Dispute @Spaceshots @Inchs

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: @Inchs @SpaceShots

Your Steam Name: [Naxal] Clippy
Your In-game Name: Aidan Keis
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48863576

Why were you banned?:

2.1, 3.4 - User drove into a shootout unarmed, ran a suspect over then stored his gun midshootout

Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: I feel this ban is invalid as I drove into the shootout thinking I had a weapon in my trunk and my original plan was to defend the property I live on (Suburbs 1). However instead of risking my life, car and weapon I decided not to enter although to further increase my chance of survival I ran over one of the suspects (The only person in the area shooting other than police) I ran him over when he wasn't looking at me, this is hard to tell in the video due to the error although this is the case. and the person turns towards Conyo Deyanma to shoot him, he was an officer at this time. You can then see I ran into a house and stayed there until the group of raiders left in a tesla. At this time I believed it was safe to walk outside, I found a weapon on the ground during a NON-active shootout. And to financially benifit myself I picked up the weapon and went to store it.

Additional Comment(s): @Inchs Quite frankly I don't know what you were talking about in teamspeak. This video should clearly prove that there was no shootout. You said you watched the situation so feel free to provide your POV
Evidence (Required for all server bans):
Involved as im the person you ran over.

You didn't even show the whole clip, you literally cut it off when they approached you in which I heard you went AFK the second you stored the gun. You should probably upload the whole situation. Even with this evidence you can see that they didn't leave like you said they did because they were like 2 houses up from you watching you pick up the weapon. They were also right by subs 1 and shots were fired less than ~30 seconds before you ran me over which does not make it clear for you to run me over.

You had no weapon and no set plan of escape to preserve your life except to run into a house and watch outside the window staring at my gun like you've never seen an M4 before. If you wanted to preserve your life you would have ran far away.

The shootout was active for the whole time until me and tinky where sniped, you cut half the video out
No this clip shows everything that I was banned for.

This isn't a battle of potentials, in a normal users POV the raiders left, I ran you over because you were clearly shooting. Now last time I checked I was allowed to run over somebody who threatened my own life. Regardless of when shots are fired. Now quite frankly I had no idea if you're weapon was still there or not, I don't particularly care about your weapon so lets not drag that into consideration here, as unlike most folk I'm not raid happy and don't care about weapons. Your next point about running far away is pure shit, surely it makes more sense to run and hide in a bordered defendable house and not run out in the open. Thats my personal opinion and thats what I'd do in a real life situation as well.
No actually smo. The only part I cut out was me storing a weapon into my vehicle because I didn't find that nessacery. Lets not act like that changes the situation.

Now you can see Tinkys blue tesla drive away with 4 guys in it. Lets keep in mind @Inchs said there was 6. One died, I would've had no knowledge of another because I was only using the information presented.
"You don't care about weapons" You proceeded to store our weapons and go AFK to try dodge everything while we GP'd you
CaughtRed: I don't particularly care about your weapon so lets not drag that into consideration here, as unlike most folk I'm not raid happy and don't care about weapons.

ALSO CaughtRed: And to financially benifit myself I picked up the weapon and went to store it.

I was never a threat to you, if you were I would have killed you when I saw you. It would have made sense if you had a weapon and were capable of defending yourself in which this case you clearly weren't.
You know my car was a shooter and see it comingg back yet you still store the gun. Mind explaining that?
CaughtRed: I don't particularly care about your weapon so lets not drag that into consideration here, as unlike most folk I'm not raid happy and don't care about weapons.

ALSO CaughtRed: And to financially benifit myself I picked up the weapon and went to store it. "
Quoting this literally makes no sense.

You were a threat to me and my property. Quite frankly you're gonna get killed if you're raiding my property
Just so we can visualize some thinking here. My only option to run would've be the closest property to me and the rest of the road was very open allowing me to be shot from anywhere, my chances were greatly minimized of dying when running into the subs house.
You drove into the situation then made no attempt to leave when asked to. Hiding in the house right next to the situation and peeking out the window is still putting your life at risk, you also gave no time before running out and trying to grab the gun.

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