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Reaction score
Maneti Chao
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans)

Your Steam Name: Tinky
Your In-game Name: Something very chinese I can not spell
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:107027937

Why were you banned?: 3.2: Communicating in-game information via a third-party application (Discord)

Why do you feel the ban's invalid?: Seeing the clip of us "Metagaming on discord", it shows me talking to @DB KILLER something about taking a sniper. Neither of us took any advantage of that message being heard on discord as I spoke to him ingame and obviously knew what was going on. I've got a lot of demos going back to some time about April if someone likes to review them and see that I've clearly not metagamed and of course there's admin logs that show org chats and I'm always on teamspeak ingame and deafened on discord in shootouts, raids ,etc. Without taking advantage, speaking to someone is allowed and that's exactly what happened in that clip.

2 people already got unbanned because of false bans being handed out and none of us were spoken to or shown evidence except the clip on mage's dispute so I'd like to see any evidence of me metagaming because I dont think that is any evidence.

Additional Comment(s):
Evidence (Required for all server bans):
Denied, the clip you saw was a 3 min clip taken from 80 minutes of footage which you were metagaming in, this was reviewed by several staff members.
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