Server Suggestion Diving For Treasure

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Suggestion Title: Diving For Treasure
Suggestion Description: Instead of the empty haunted pub being there for no reason. There should be a npc that gives you the option to sign on to be a diver.

This job consists of a person swimming deep and collecting bottles, "trash" and having a small chance of finding random item that could be illegal or legal for themselves to keep.

Your oxygen levels will not drop whatsoever while underwater due to your diving suit and your swimming speed will be auto-set to as if you were 8/8 swimming skill while on the job.

The random drop could range from a chocolate bar all the way to a timed bomb but the rarity of the item on top of the fact its a rare mystery item largely depends on how valuable it is.

Each 5 bottles is $250. Therefore each bottle brought back is worth $50

A mystery item should appear every 10-30 bottles collected which means if you're lucky you could walk off with $1500 and a timed bomb. Additionally this promotes swimming making it so there is a fun way to level up your swimming skills!

If you do find an illegal item and you wish to keep it you must drop it somewhere before signing off to hide it so you can pick it up after. However if you do sign off or turn in items, all remaining bottles or mystery items will be taken off you then you will be paid according to their value at 1% tax.


You find a television, 30 bottles and a gas can.

You drop the television in an alley to pickup later, you sell the rest.

Pay: $1,500 + Price of a gas can if bought at a station during 1% tax.

You go back to your tv which is still there to collect then walk off with money, a tv and more swimming skill.

Why should this be added?:
- Fun way to level up swimming skill
- Makes a dead spot of the map more lively through potentially legal business
- Cleans the waters of liter!
- Pays well for taking the risk of being eaten by a monster

What negatives could this have?:
- Pays too much or too little?
- Can be seen as boring or repetitive?
- People mugging divers?
Sounds like a cool idea, only thing is that I think it borderline breaks 3.4? As you would constantly be risking your life to not get eaten by the monster

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