FireDepartment - Diver

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Description of the idea:

Diver (specialist role)

The diver is a specialist role within the fire department. It has no rank requirement. But very similar to the TFU you will be able to gear up in a dive suit. Onces this dive suit is on, you can breath underwater. And you will also be untargetable by piranhas in the ParaLake. This way divers can take items and bodies out of the water. So police can inspect them for further investigation or for medics to remove bodies.

Why should this be added? (pros):
Emergency services can now finally acces people that are stuck in the Paralake. Or retrieve items they dropped to the bottom of the harbour.
It also gives the firedepartment an extra demension.

What negatives could this have? (cons): A lot of work

I would like to see this in action on the server. It would be a good implementation, but wouldnt the divers need its own vehicle, to show its divers and not regular fire department?
Very situational and probably rarely useful but despite that, I believe it would be interesting to have. Needs models though.
We have tons of situations were people die in hicktown and u cannot reach them since there would be piranhas, so this Diver set would be good.
But it should only be equipped if theres a fire. Not randomly for no reason.