Do disputes need stricter policy?

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North East
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Not a rule, but stricter policy regarding the staff member that enacted punishment giving input on a situation

Your version of the rule: In essence I believe that each party should be able to justify themselves on the same platform and at the same level. In essence what this means is both parties are given equal opportunities to justify their actions. Currently it is perfectly ok for a staff member, upon reviving a dispute, to justify their actions in private away from the public eye, which is both incredibly shady and gives the disputer no chance of rebuttal, making it a very one sided affair.

In my opinion, the only place where the staff member who has received a dispute should have any say is on the dispute thread, they should not attempt to organize or have absolutely any contact with the people who are discussing the dispute directly, as this is not a privilege extended to the disputer.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: See above I guess
justify their actions in private away from the public eye, which is both incredibly shady and gives the disputer no chance of rebuttal

I 100% agree with this mainly because, sure they can justify their actions privately, but why would they? There is nothing that anyone needs to hide and it is better to get it all out so that you can compare them both by reading it on the thread rather than by voice where not only may stuff and info be hidden from what actually happened but, stuff can be forgotten by the person it was told to, stuff can get mixed up and so on. I literally see only positives in this and like I said at the beginning of this, why would they need to justify it privately? Do it on the same thread as the dispute where the people reviewing it can make a un-unbiased decision which will also give more transparency to the situation by having all the reasoning and opinions/facts from both sides laid out.
We already requested a complaint system just like IA. Sadly the IT division is very busy and doesn't have the time right now for the complaints. We are working on a temp solution till the system is actually live. I do agree there should be a way to complain about a dispatcher, however I disagree them being public
Henk are you drunk look at the thread you posted in
There is also the argument that the disputing staff members should be randomly selected per week (similar to how the AR system used to and probably still works.) This would eliminate any bias in who handles the dispute.
Like this idea. Think there should be a max time that a dispute can sit open. So like it has to be dealt with within idk a week to two which stops ones that don't get handled for months
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