[Suggestion] Double Jeopardy.

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United States
What rule do you wish to Add: 3.30 - Double Jeopardy.

Your version of the rule:
Officers of the Paralake Police Department may not face any punishment such as a verbal warning, warning, or bans where they are also pending punishment from an Internal Affairs Investigation for the same situation, correlating to an in-department policy. It is the officer's responsibility to inform reporting partys of there Internal Affairs complaint, along with relating evidence, and any Out Of Character action must be pended until that investigation is complete and reaches a conclusion by the Complaint Committee. If the complaint committee comes to any If a reporting party or the officer in question can prove that they can be punished via Internal Affairs Complaint, then the reporting party should make a complaint there.

Moderators and Administrators may still give warnings and bans if the player breaks a rule that is not outlined or punishment cannot be determined through an Internal Affairs complaint, or, the situation is too severe that it requires immediate administrative action.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

I have not only been in but also witnessed many situations where officers are punished through out-of-character problems and reports, and then there PLPD career suffers due to the ban making them inactive, or rather unable to meet there requirements.

Therefore, I propose this rule that would essentially value PLPD IA's Complaints and Punishments before OOC Punishments to avoid that the Officer faces disciplinary action from both sides. This rule also ensures that they would never face punishment at the same time as the OOC complaint. This gives the player the chance to remain and stay on the server, however, it takes the term 'career' for PLPD to another level of value for said player.
But many times there are grey areas where people can face punishment from PLPD, and the server, and this rule would ensure only punishment from one or the other.
If you break the rules on duty you're probably breaching PLPD policy as well, why should you not face punishment for both?
@zXDroNEXz They don't? Do you even play at all? If you're going into a shootout and have your gun out ready to engage with criminals thats not breaking the rules
@Inchs One punishment is enough, it doesn't help the player, nor the playerbase, if they face the punishment for a mistake they made, and already paid for, twice
@Inchs But officers do make mistakes, and have run-ins with Admins and IA, its why they exist and are there, so therefore, why not improve upon them?
@zXDroNEXz Making a mistake does not make you exempt from rules or policies. There's a reason why cops IRL can still go to jail for murdering someone.

Removing the threat of punishment from a behavioral system does not improve the system.
@zXDroNEXz I've already explained to you how punishments work in the real world I think you should stop trying to turn a game into a "career"
That is not always how that situation would play out. Yeah they would be fired, but rarely are those charges brought.

You should stop trying to turn apologies into appeals maybe youd still be on the server.
This is the dumbest thing I've read all day and I've seen some absolute special kids today.

If you break a server rule, and manage to breach policy or law at the same time, expect punishment from both sides, a simple solution is to learn the rules.
@zXDroNEXz If an officer clearly makes a mistake it is taken into account by IA, there is literally a section within the final decision report titled "Intention" whereby PSD or Chiefs need to determine whether the actions of the officer were intentional/unintentional and to what extent, however saying "it was an accident" or "I made a mistake sorry" doesn't make everything okay and that's why reprimands and comment cards exist.
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