Donald Trump

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Niko's PC
Hey, I made this thread to see everyone's opinion on Donald Trump. Please actually take a serious note of your opinion . For now I'm -Support with him .
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He is a walking meme and hates rapist drug dealing mexican welfare babies
You can be like him. All you need is a small loan of a million dollars
He uses tactics which appeal to idiot American consumers instead of putting forth rational arguments and expressing his politcal agendas. I don't actually think it's gonna be the end of the world if he gets elected, foreign relations would suffer greatly though. rip sanders
Google his policies he has stronger points which anyone other in history have been scared to say.
Name one thing thats "good" Aaron, Trump is an idiot that does not really bring anything good to American at all. Scared to say? Okay like what? Immigration in the US? If so Obama has taken it up so many times and dealt with it very well, even though someone comes in by the illegal way they will be given a chance and put in the way as everyone else, dont think it's something bad now, these guys will get a mark in their record saying they've made their Way in illegally and such.

Now do you think making a fat wall making the other country pay for it is the right way to go? No.

Is Trump going to win? Probably not considering Bernies or Hillary's voters will go to each one depending on who gets to represent.
Google his policies he has stronger points which anyone other in history have been scared to say.
Not only is he wrong about the increase in immigration (numbers have actually dropped). His fiscal policy regarding the minimum wage (making it lower) and lowering taxes on the wealthier Americans would have detrimental consequences for the entire economy.
He is just a hatemongering buffoon with the only thing going for him is that he "speaks his mind", which appeals to the trashiest and most biggoted people of that country.
I personnaly would vote trump out of pure neccesity to not get hillary. Hillary's fucking terrible with all the bilderberg stuff. It's inpossible to vote for a good candidate since they arent being promoted by the news.

The news is fucking horny on trump and thats how he gets his votes, compare it to ebola. Extreme fear due media, now its out of the media but ebola still exists.
Luckily i'm not an american so guess i do not have to worry alot

But yeah trump'a a fucking retard. Good luck mericans with getting bernie or some other guy.


Would rather vote for someone who brings other stuff than racism to a country. Not only that would you like muslims to carry a special ID for no fucking reason at all and a fat wall to the border against Mexico and making them pay for it? Really?

If I lived in the US I would pay the Flee to Canada trucks to get the hell out of there if he wins.
Actually, after reading what daymon said i would vote for some random guy with 1%

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I personnaly would vote trump out of pure neccesity to not get hillary. Hillary's fucking terrible with all the bilderberg stuff. It's inpossible to vote for a good candidate since they arent being promoted by the news.

The news is fucking horny on trump and thats how he gets his votes, compare it to ebola. Extreme fear due media, now its out of the media but ebola still exists.
Would rather vote for someone who brings other stuff than racism to a country. Not only that would you like muslims to carry a special ID for no fucking reason at all and a fat wall to the border against Mexico and making them pay for it? Really?

If I lived in the US I would pay the Flee to Canada trucks to get the hell out of there if he wins.
Trump is just a big fat ass who lost his money TWICE and got it back from his friends. There you see how well he can handle financial stuff. Furthermore he is a racist fuck, not as racist as Ted Cruz (if he wins the US is gonna be the christitian equivalent to Saudi Arabia), but still racist, considering he does not want muslims in "his" country because they could cause a "9/11 2.0". I mean, if every muslim would be a terrorist, Europe would not be there anymore due to the refugees or the former guest workers who came in the last century. And honestly, buidling a wall around Mexico??? Is he fucking serious?! Just 25 years ago the wall in Germany fell, intelligent people would've learned something out of it, but Donald Trump is not intelligent is he? The one and only "good" thing he ever said is "The cops are the most mistreated people in our country", but thats it. I personally don't want Trump winning; we all know what would happen:
Hillary is a bad choice aswell, I mean she's got the FBI on her ass for years now, Cruz is even worse. Just get this in your head: Bernie motherfucking Sanders is the best choice in this election.

P.S.: This is just my personal opinion, if this does not fit yours then deal with it.
Google his policies he has stronger points which anyone other in history have been scared to say.

And honestly, it doesn't matter what his policies are, as long as he uses the rhetoric he currently employs no one whose logical faculties are functional would want him as a president. Besides, controversial policies /=/ good policies.
I have a feeling that he was bored with his constant life of riches and not being known for it (a lot of people didn't know about him before his campaign started), so he is testing how stupid America really can be just to stroke his ego and give him the idea that "I fooled the majority of America into voting for someone not far off of Hitler".
In the past he has shown support for gay marriages and didn't really comment on immigration, conveniently two of the most popular issues that redneck-stupid-stereotypical-American absolutely despise. Trump isn't stupid, he may have stupid views, but he knows how to play business to his advantage, and if you look at it, he's now playing the political system to his advantage too.

Or maybe I'm just being optimistic, and China may be a nuclear wasteland by next year...
I have a feeling that he was bored with his constant life of riches and not being known for it (a lot of people didn't know about him before his campaign started), so he is testing how stupid America really can be just to stroke his ego and give him the idea that "I fooled the majority of America into voting for someone not far off of Hitler".
In the past he has shown support for gay marriages and didn't really comment on immigration, conveniently two of the most popular issues that redneck-stupid-stereotypical-American absolutely despise. Trump isn't stupid, he may have stupid views, but he knows how to play business to his advantage, and if you look at it, he's now playing the political system to his advantage too.

Or maybe I'm just being optimistic, and China may be a nuclear wasteland by next year...
To be honest Trump is probably going to be executed either by some civilian or the CIA/FBI as he's going to mess up the current "neutral" relationship with Russia
He's too right wing even for me
Even for me

His policies are ridiculous, there is no legal or logical explanation as to why Mexico should pay for this wall of his. We all know how well a wall is between two nations (Cough Berlin cough) works out. American politics love war and with trump it would almost certainly happen. The problem with America is that they're fucked either way. Only two parties can ever win democrats and republicans and that's gonna be Hillary Clinton vs Donald trump. Both liars, both thick as pig and both probably gay.

Beside the world doesn't need any more super heroes

We have Nigel Farage
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