Donator Open Slots

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It would be cool if donators can join any time they want, It gets frustrating when i try to join its always full.
Please add this feature.
- Support - Almost all buys donator and that means that all normal players will keep getting kicked out of the server because a donator wants to join and that also means that the server will pretty much will not get new players and then the server will go to hell.
Kicking out regular players that are already connected for the unconnected VIP's shouldn't happen. The reason is getting kicked after settling down in the server is so annoying.

On the other side, making extra slots just for VIP's could be an option. I've seen CSS servers that do this. Let's say the server is 60 slot, they make it seen like 55 slots so only 55 people can join. But when a VIP wants to join he doesn't get a 'server full' message and when he joins the server becomes 56/55. This can go up to 60/55. But one annoying thing about this is. Regular people will probably won't be able to connect at all like this since they would have to turn auto-retry on to get in but they only would be able to join when it goes down to 54/55. I don't know, it would be annoying still.

One awesome thing we can do is to have a queue server like they did in the original Pulsar Effect RolePlay server. For the people who don't know this system let me explain. There is the main server that you play on and there is the queue server. You're not able to connect directly to the main server. You have to connect to the queue server and then it will forward you to the main server. If the server is full and no one else is trying to join the server, you will be held in the queue server and you will be the first one in the queue. You will be forwarded to the server when someone leaves the main server. Good side of the queue server is whoever starts waiting first to get in the server actually gets into the server first because the first one that waits in the queue server is the first in the queue and the one after is the second in queue. This way whoever spams the refresh button doesn't get in the server first. :) It makes things more equal.

Anyways sorry for the long post. I may have repeated myself a couple of times as I'm sleepy at the moment. Those were my thoughts on the vip only slots. I think queue system would be much more helpful.
Ruby;n10517 said:
One awesome thing we can do is to have a queue server like they did in the original Pulsar Effect RolePlay server. For the people who don't know this system let me explain. There is the main server that you play on and there is the queue server. You're not able to connect directly to the main server. You have to connect to the queue server and then it will forward you to the main server. If the server is full and no one else is trying to join the server, you will be held in the queue server and you will be the first one in the queue. You will be forwarded to the server when someone leaves the main server. Good side of the queue server is whoever starts waiting first to get in the server actually gets into the server first because the first one that waits in the queue server is the first in the queue and the one after is the second in queue. This way whoever spams the refresh button doesn't get in the server first. :) It makes things more equal.

If possible, that would be beyond ideal - great time to be downloading the content and reading the rules while waiting to join the main server!
Luke said:
Ruby;n10517 said:
One awesome thing we can do is to have a queue server like they did in the original Pulsar Effect RolePlay server. For the people who don't know this system let me explain. There is the main server that you play on and there is the queue server. You're not able to connect directly to the main server. You have to connect to the queue server and then it will forward you to the main server. If the server is full and no one else is trying to join the server, you will be held in the queue server and you will be the first one in the queue. You will be forwarded to the server when someone leaves the main server. Good side of the queue server is whoever starts waiting first to get in the server actually gets into the server first because the first one that waits in the queue server is the first in the queue and the one after is the second in queue. This way whoever spams the refresh button doesn't get in the server first. :) It makes things more equal.

If possible, that would be beyond ideal - great time to be downloading the content and reading the rules while waiting to join the main server!
Haven't thought of that. It would be really good by making newcomers read the rules for sure :)
Admins only should have this, not players. Most of the time only 1-2 admins on, and they can't deal with 48-49 players on the server. Also, if a new player finally joins, or someone who isn't premium, it would probably kick him/her out. Which doesn't seem fair if you are new.
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