One awesome thing we can do is to have a queue server like they did in the original Pulsar Effect RolePlay server. For the people who don't know this system let me explain. There is the main server that you play on and there is the queue server. You're not able to connect directly to the main server. You have to connect to the queue server and then it will forward you to the main server. If the server is full and no one else is trying to join the server, you will be held in the queue server and you will be the
first one in the queue. You will be forwarded to the server when someone leaves the main server. Good side of the queue server is whoever starts waiting first to get in the server actually gets into the server first because the first one that waits in the queue server is the first in the queue and the one after is the second in queue.
This way whoever spams the refresh button doesn't get in the server first. 
It makes things more equal.