Reserved Slots for Staff

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Topic: Reserved slots for staff

Short explanation (in notes): Add reserved slots for Staff (if not already added) that will keep a couple of slots open for Staff

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): In ULX, you can set reserved slots for certain groups, allowing to to set slots for staff members. You can change some settings, like it will kick out the latest player joining (which I do not recommend), or it just keeps a certain number of slots open. I vote that there should be at least 3 reserved slots at any given time.

This means that staff will always be able to get onto the server without having to wait for a slot to free up, which means that a staff member can be on at any time. This will help the server a lot in my opinion.

Optional additions:
Add this for Donators, though I strongly vote against it.
It will kick out the latest player joining? What happens if there is a 70/70 moment and some guy waits like an hour before joining just to be kicked again? It can also ruin roleplay situations the fun for others.
Add this for Donators, though I strongly vote against it.

I do not think this should be added to donators, as you can see 3 quarters of the community are donators, so what people do is join, and non-donators won't have a chance to even get a slot as it works like this:

Server is 70 players [Full]
1 Donator leaves, server still says 70 players are still in the game.

I'm sorry but I do not think that will be added,

As for Staff, make the server have 75 slots, and then make staff have those 5 slots for if they want to join.
But I do not think they should be kicked, but add 5 more slots for staff only
There is NO way I am supporting this.
First of all
  • Staff have no AFK timer
And how do you expect to gain players if a staff member has a 'reserved slot'. Then look at the staff list...
How do you expect any player to do anything.
If this was DarkRP I wouldn't give a shit, but as it's PERP
I'm guessing the Senior Leadership Team also would agree with my points
I strongly disagree with there being added reserved slots for donators, it's also been denied;

For the suggestion itself, I disagree with. Sure, it would be handy, but I don't think having reserved slots would be fair for normal players. Staff members are volunteers and I do not believe we should be reserved slots on the server for helping out with something we enjoy doing.

Even though it seems like a nice idea for reports and such it will end up with situations as a shootout or someone being arrested where they get kicked or something in that way. Also having SteamID reserved slots would not be good either considering we would have to add up more slots to the server as 70/70 fits the map by this stage
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