Server Suggestion Door raid timer on new players

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Suggestion Title: Door raid timer on new players
Suggestion Description: Whenever a new player gets raided a timer for 30 minutes should be placed on their door and once those 30 minutes are out they can get raided again this makes it easier for new players to make money instead of being zerged by big orgs, this suggestion excludes PD raids.

Why should this be added?:
- Makes people want to actually stay in the server and not quit because they keep getting raided every minute.

What negatives could this have?:
- Cant think of any.
Here is a negative, it is literally a drug timer for any raider, it is obvious when they got raided and their drugs was gone.

Have the decency to not raid a new player (unless he is basing with older players) or raid and leave his shit if u see he is new.

The timer will actually do more harm than good
I think this is a good idea.

Maybe a bit longer of a timer due to the drug issue. I would also suggest another type of buff to make raiding new players more challenging such as a HP advantage or something.

But you cant expect players to not raid new players or raid them kill them and not take their shit it ruins the point of the game the player that raids should be able to do as they please since they won, I'm sure if they died the new player wouldn't give the guns back.

And If a new player plays the game and gets raided than leaves they have no intent to play anyways because that's just what perp is...
New players already have:

Free VIP for a period
New Player tag on their head
New Player tag on their owned properties
Incredibly hard doors to lock pick
Tax exemptions on a lot of things
Rewards for joining forums ect
Leniency from staff in regards to rule breaks
I am sure there is more

There has to be a point at which we can’t give them much more or they’re literally playing a different game mode to the rest of us. I think this might slightly go too far, however, if people think this will be beneficial I am sure it could be added.
I think this is a good idea.

Maybe a bit longer of a timer due to the drug issue. I would also suggest another type of buff to make raiding new players more challenging such as a HP advantage or something.

But you cant expect players to not raid new players or raid them kill them and not take their shit it ruins the point of the game the player that raids should be able to do as they please since they won, I'm sure if they died the new player wouldn't give the guns back.

And If a new player plays the game and gets raided than leaves they have no intent to play anyways because that's just what perp is...
Most people I've raided with that isn't a sweater themself leave drugs for new players anyway.
This suggestion just doesn't work. They would be able to crowbar/bobbypin their own doors to start the timer, or get a friend to do so, hence making them immune. It will most certainly be abused if they discover the mechanic (which they will).
I assume this is what you meant. If you think it should be manual, who would be doing it?
The money generated for drugs should come with extreme risks for all players, the current system already weighs heavily in their favour if they have a gun and know that they can just spray through their door.

I think the reasons are covered above and the downvotes speak for themselves however new player raids are logged and monitored by staff

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