Double fucked :(

gonna be real with you chief, out of context this title made me think I was on the wrong REAL PH

Also tell me you didn’t intentionally run over that new player, I dare you.
Legit didn't see him till the last second, I ain't a dickhead I ain't gonna run someone over intentionally especially a new player.
Gonna have to disagree with you on that, he was walking in the middle of the highway, you and the ambo easily fitted next to each other yet you drove onto the wrong side of the road to I assume to avoid the ammo. You think you driving a bus? Need to give an overzealous amount of space? Also not to mention that you carried on driving on the yellow line even after overtaking the Ambulance.
@The HitMan Believe what you want to believe mate, I didn't mean to.. But if you believe me I understand since It did look intential