Download Problems

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Hi. I'm a new user, a guy who is just passing by but trying to download your map.
This may be bad for business for you, but I want to go on a different server, with this same map.
However, the 'Downloads' tab has been not working for me. If someone could somehow fix this problem by giving me a direct link to download?

Nonono. You don't understand.
I know how to install it, it's just when I click the link that is, no pun intended, linked to the button
it gives me that it cannot be found. So if anyone could give me a link so that it doesn't open another window?
Wow now the download section is gone... If someone has the content pack can you please send it to me or upload it anywhere and give me the link? Everything is an error now and really annoying :S
ow yeah i see why is it gone? hope someone can send it to you because i cant help you atm sorry
godswarpawn said:
Nonono. You don't understand.
I know how to install it, it's just when I click the link that is, no pun intended, linked to the button
it gives me that it cannot be found. So if anyone could give me a link so that it doesn't open another window?
oh then i cant help you sorry.