Server Suggestion Dragging suspects

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Description of the idea:
Taking damage results in you automatically stop dragging the suspect.

Just had an interesting experience where a cop decided to just walk and stare at a gunman whilst dragging me and I was collated.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Makes sense
- No more accidental meatshielding

What negatives could this have? (cons):
None really.

From the police point of view you don't want to be dragging someone around in front of you while also attempting to return fire on active shooters, automatically releasing a suspect would make it a bit easier to react.

Although maybe there should be a minimum amount of damage required to automatically release, like only auto release when damaged > mildly injured level. This would prevent people from tapping you with their car or whatnot to release someone, or a random bystander punching you and running away.
A con is simply users punching the officer constantly whilst they are dragging a suspect.
If this were to be implemented, it'd have to be after a certain amount of damage
A con is simply users punching the officer constantly whilst they are dragging a suspect.
If this were to be implemented, it'd have to be after a certain amount of damage

But punching an officer is a crime and realistically you’d respond by letting go of the person you’re dragging to defend yourself.
maybe the following thing could be added so people dont minge punch
you automatically stop dragging when you are either bleeding or majorly injured
you realisitcally could still drag a suspect when being hit once or twice but being shot would probably make you release him
Perhaps an alternative is to make it so that you can only drag a suspect if you have your fists, keys, or some non combat swep equipped (think ticket book, etc.) This way you don't have cops dragging people while engaged in a full-on firefight.

However, realistically you could hold your gun with one hand and the suspect with the other, though I feel arguments could be made for both sides.
This is already a thing kinda, when aiming your gun/tazer, the dragged suspect gets released. I think the suggestion is good, even if it happens for punching the cop, like Benji said. Thats a crime and should be dealt with. And random punches just to troll would be a breach of the rules anyway.
This is already a thing kinda, when aiming your gun/tazer, the dragged suspect gets released. I think the suggestion is good, even if it happens for punching the cop, like Benji said. Thats a crime and should be dealt with. And random punches just to troll would be a breach of the rules anyway.
A breach of rules does not stop the player and would be tedious as shit
Accidental” meatshielding, good one
A breach of rules does not stop the player and would be tedious as shit
As a police officer though circumstantially you would be unhanding the suspect you are currently dragging in order to defend yourself and apprehend your attacker. Being punched is still an assault so the possibility of officers being Randomly punched as a downside to this addition is almost completely pointless. This is just to stop suspects being dragged whilst an officer is being shot at.
As a police officer though circumstantially you would be unhanding the suspect you are currently dragging in order to defend yourself and apprehend your attacker. Being punched is still an assault so the possibility of officers being Randomly punched as a downside to this addition is almost completely pointless. This is just to stop suspects being dragged whilst an officer is being shot at.
if the point is stop cops moving suspects while being shot instead of them releasing on minor damage it could release them when they start bleeding but idk how it'd work script wise

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