Driving Tests

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  • Topic: Driving Tests

    Short explanation (in notes):
    - this would make the roads safer
    - teach people how to drive and maybe there way around the map
    - sweatervests wont be so scrubby

    Detailed description (why should it become added/...): driving tests should be added because there are to many reckless drivers out there that dont know what they are doing, its actually shocking how many times ive been hit by mini's. i mean like seriously, and im sure all of you reading this have to, it would add a new job and info on how to drive safely, when to stop, because countless cars go through red lights and it kinda annoys me

  • Optional additions:
    - could have a pretty good effect on people and there driving
    - lowers the rate of road crime
    - and gives people the opportunity to teach
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I believe that this has already been suggested and denied already. The reason why this cannot be done is that everyone is busy and the staff has countless reports to do so who would be capable to be an instructor?

Im sorry but while it may not work it could be something the PTO's would consider for the academy server.
I'll say, this would be great to have (We all know why) However it would be a pain in the fucking ass. -Support.
I know that it most of the time looks like this on the roads:

But this would seriously be a pain in the ass, -support
The reason why I don't agree with this is;
  • People may have lag - Causing driving to be bad
  • Driving testers may have to be whitelisted - Another whitelist? Really.
There are more reasons but I just woke up - Will edit later.
I don't see why people are so negative about this idea. It improves roleplay by the max. This wouldn't only be beneficial for players that actually need to learn how to drive (Me included) but also for the police force. Think about it, we could be able to do pull overs and actually check if they have a drivers license. In addition to this, we might also be able to see if it's expired or not. I would see then this being added when the police database comes out though (And I don't mean yours @LordTyla :troll: ).It could be like premium that it only last a month (Premium can of course be stacked, but let's not bring that into consideration while we're on this.).

Now, who would be a instructor and how would you be able to get a license? Well, we would have to create applications to become one of course, but we would need a lot of them. How one would be able to get a license is by contacting a driving instructor in game. The driving instructor would just be a normal civilian not something you have to go to a NPC and become, this would make it easier as I'm sure people would go tired of it after a while.

After contacting the instructor in game he will meet you at a main area like PD. He will then drive to the driving school building (This has to be made by the developers of course). The driving instructor will teach you what different signs mean, when to stop, how to pull over correctly and how to park correctly. After he has told you this you go on a ride around the map with him. The instructor will see how you do and will decide in the end if you are "road-worthy" or not. If you fail this then the money you originally placed can not be refunded. Corruption within this rank will not be tolerated. I believe that if you only became a driving instructor to scam the people of their money then you should be given the same punishment as scamming for premium (<may be a bit harsh).
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