Server Suggestion Loosing test drive money

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Suggestion Title: Loosing test drive money
Suggestion Description: So I wanted to test drive a car and while I was driving I happen to see a gun on the road. I thought the car would only disappear and end the test drive once I'm back or close to the car dealer not that it would despawn the car and I would loose the entire amount I paid to test drive. My suggestion is that if that is the case you should at least warn about it before hand or not have it all. Maybe take half but not having it warn you before hand and then take your 70k is BS.

Why should this be added?:
- Because it's bullshit that there is no warning about this and you loose the entire amount just because you didn't know that would happen if you exit the vehicle for a second.

What negatives could this have?:
- None that I can see if implemented correctly.
+agree, totally unfair to take money. There needs to be more clear rules via prompts or noticeboards at the car dealer. Had this happen to me a few times, not fair