Dropped My ESP | Tyla Jai Ban Explanation

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Hello as you may have noticed I have been banned for hacking, a lot of people are asking me wtf is going on having been a very long term player so I have been working on a slightly comical but informative video explaining why I did it and how my master plan all came to an end. I do recommend you watch it from start to finish as I include some of my favourite moments of 2018 at the end in a montage style like the good old LordTyla days. Click the image below to watch the documentary.

It has taken me over 10 hours to create this masterpiece video but I feel it is worth it to at least give the community 12 more minutes of entertainment before I am inevitably gone forever or for a very long time at least. I still intend to troll around on the forums as always though, fortunately TinySlayer chose not to ban me from the forums and Teamspeak.

Some extended apologies should go to anyone that I have killed whilst abusing ESP (which I have a full list of); @Riekelt at Office Raid, @Wewai at Office Raid, @DwarfBitch at Car Garage Shootout and Bank Robbery, @Tilin at Car Garage Shootout, @Ashur at Bank Robbery, @Moon The Goon at Bank Robbery, @Josef at Bank Robbery. There is likely a few more that I didn't note or record. I would also like to extend my apologies to @TinySlayer, although he did a very very good job and completely deserves his position as Senior Administrator I did mess you around trying to throw you off my tracks which wasted your time quite a bit, also @ayjay ツ and @Bolli as you were involved in his cool investigation thing on Teamspeak, also I guess @Fredy for hacking on his server and that's about it.

Kind regards,
Tyla - Vault of Cheats
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By the way if anyone is thinking about hacking, don't. They already know you're hacking the moment you arrive at spawn. I'm not even joking, but if you want to ignore this message and still want citizenhack then don't be afraid to ask for my account, but I warned you.
By the way if anyone is thinking about hacking, don't. They already know you're hacking the moment you arrive at spawn. I'm not even joking, but if you want to ignore this message and still want citizenhack then don't be afraid to ask for my account, but I warned you.
Mhm, so how come people get demo requested and after that they get banned? Why not auto ban them if they already know?
Mhm, so how come people get demo requested and after that they get banned? Why not auto ban them if they already know?
It's based on a likelihood score meaning hackers get a high score and are then subsequently watched in more depth by administrators, they don't instant ban as this community is decent enough to acknowledge there are good players which may also receive a relatively high score.
It's based on a likelihood score meaning hackers get a high score and are then subsequently watched in more depth by administrators, they don't instant ban as this community is decent enough to acknowledge there are good players which may also receive a relatively high score.
So trash players like me are on a 0% probability of cheating?
It's based on a likelihood score meaning hackers get a high score and are then subsequently watched in more depth by administrators, they don't instant ban as this community is decent enough to acknowledge there are good players which may also receive a relatively high score.
Ah I thought you meant, let's say you have citizen on then they know it already
Ah I thought you meant, let's say you have citizen on then they know it already
They know dude if you have it on their server, they'll look at your gunfights and decide to request a demo unless you're incredibly shit at hacking.
Hacking is for naughty people, and I do not support it.

But dam, were you creative to dodge on getting caught.
I find it 'winner' worthy on the document you've created,
How the fuck did they find you cheating even. You're genuinely awful in raids.
I wanted the gungame winner trophy so used shit like no recoil, ESP and aimbot and that flagged me up as a blatant cheater, you see me as shit in raids because I normally only use ESP or no hacks at all, the problem was they were investigating me from the initial gungame incident and requested demos conveniently when I was in a big gunfight and was using ESP.
I wanted the gungame winner trophy so used shit like no recoil, ESP and aimbot and that flagged me up as a blatant cheater, you see me as shit in raids because I normally only use ESP or no hacks at all, the problem was they were investigating me from the initial gungame incident and requested demos conveniently when I was in a big gunfight and was using ESP.
U a naughty boy. Cheating in multiplayer games bad. dont do it
Wow, I'm impressed.

I don't condone what you did and even despise it, but the video was very well done. It was very interesting how it was put like a mind-battle between you and Tiny, as you pulled off the corrupted demos and the PC breaking down bit but you ended up getting caught in the final battle anyway.

Normally a banned cheater would just disappear, with you we got an entire backstory so we could find out what happened in detail. Very informative.

Reminded me of this.
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