Suggestion Title: Drug Dealer Location Selection Org Perk
Suggestion Description: A new Organization perk that allows you to text the Drug Dealer and choose his next location. A code-word like "next" could be texted to the DD, and his reply could list the locations with numbers, "Where you wanna meet? [list of locations]". Replying with the corresponding number would then prompt the follow-up text from the DD, "Alright, see you there"
-12hr+ cooldown
-If another org has already chosen his next location, reply with a denial text, e.g. "I'm busy, check in later"
Why should this be added?:
- Adds a nice element for Organizations to sell drugs near their properties, etc.
- Immersive
What negatives could this have?:
- I couldn't think of any, but if you come up with some please comment below.
What problem would this suggestion solve?: This wouldn't particularly solve an issue, but would be a neat feature I think.