Server Suggestion Addiction

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I am aware that a suggestion to add drug addiction I made last year was accepted, however, I am posting this suggestion due to 2 reasons:
1: The update post was PARTIALLY Accepted, and a part of the suggestion was implemented already, just not the addictions part. Hence why I am suggesting this now, specifically to add addictions.
2: New substances were added as consumables, alongside this, this suggestion focuses on the addiction aspect only, in far greater detail than the previous idea.

Description of the idea:

The ability to be addicted to certain drugs, substances, or items.

Addictions should afflict players through the following situations:
- Players taking certain drugs or stat boosting items can result in a small chance of addiction. (Base percentage should depend on the substance, + 5% added for how often they take the drug in a short timeframe).
- Players who produce Meth or Cocaine can gain an addiction to the drugs they produce through accidental exposure (Because who washes their hands after they harvest their drugs?) (2% chance per coke harvest / Meth harvest). This addiction should not go beyond Tier 2 however.

The following substances should become addictive:
- Tobacco (cigarettes)
- Beer (alcohol)
- Meth
- Cannabis
- Cocaine
- Painkillers
- Coffee (caffeine)
- Pumpkin Spiced coffee (Caffeine)
- Cola (Caffeine)
- Magic Mushrooms

Addiction should come in 3 tiers. Only certain substances will give you 3 tiers of addiction.
Tier 1: "Formed habit".
The first stage of addiction for most drugs. These will come with mild effects and can be cured for a low price at the hospital, or can wear off over time.
Tier 2: Addicted
Your character will have a noticeably harder time with their activities unless they have consumed the drug. The stat benefits from drugs are still present, but you begin to lose stats and abilities over time. Whenever you don't take the drug, a screen effect that is slightly obstructive will play until you consume the drug. Addictions of this sort should be "Fixable" at the NPC in hospital for more money.
Tier 3: Dependant.
The drugs no longer give you a benefit, You must consume the drug every 10 minutes in order for your character to function properly. Your character is dazed and dizzy whenever they haven't taken the drug in question. Stage 3 addicts will be turned away from the hospital, telling them to go to the PD, at which point, you head to the PD front desk, and "Turn yourself in", by threatening the desk sergeant, which will put you in cuffs and automatically arrest you for 5 minutes. The option to do this will be removed if you are warranted. After your jail sentence expires, You will be put onto a tier 2 addiction.

The following drugs will have the following max tiers:
Caffeine: Tier 1.
Cannabis: Tier 2.
Mushrooms: Tier 2.
Tobacco: Tier 2.
Meth, Cocaine, Painkillers, Alcohol: Tier 3.

The stat reductions of withdrawal of each drug:

Habit: -1 to influence
Addiction: -2 to influence.

Habit: -1 to influence, strength, and dexterity
Addiction: -2 to the above mentioned stats
Dependency: -5 to the above mentioned stats.

Habit: -2 to strength. Halfs your players stamina skill.
Addiction: -3 to player strength.
Dependancy: -5 to player strength, all strength / stamina related skills set to 1.
Habit: -1 to regeneration.
Addiction: -3 to regeneration, -1 to dexterity.

Habit: -1 to regeneration.
Addiction: -2 to regeneration.
Dependency: -5 to regeneration and -3 to strength.

Habit: -1 to perception
Addiction: -2 to perception.
Dependence: - 5 to perception and dexterity.
1- to your players driving skill and stamina skill, -5 to your players crafting skill.

Magic mushrooms:
Habit: -1 to intelligence when not on mushrooms.
Addiction: -3 to intelligence, -1 to influence.

Visual effects of having withdrawal symptoms:
Most drugs: A black shadowy border around the edges of your screen, similar to the effect of taking painkillers except black instead of blue. Depending on your state of addiction this border will widen or reduce in size.
- Caffeine: none
- Nicotine: A slight red tint to the top of your screen. (simulates a withdrawal headache).
Reaching the Dependency stage to any drug: Slight screen shake effect when withdrawal gets bad.
Dependant players should be spottable somehow, maybe by making their characters appear to be physically ill, by making them randomly make ill noises from injured half life 2 rebels and randomly coughing.

How addictions are cured:
Tier 1 "Habits":
Cocaine, Meth: Rehab cost is $1500.
Cannabis, mushrooms: Rehab cost is $1000.
Caffeine: Rehab cost is $250.
Painkillers, Alcohol: Rehab cost is $500.

Tier 2: Addictions:
Cocaine, Meth, Painkillers, alcohol: Rehab cost is $5000
Cannabis, Mushrooms, Nicotine: Rehab cost is $2500.

Tier 3: Dependencies:
The hospital can provide you with a dosage of a drug which alleviates your symptoms for a hefty price, which can be bought for 10 minutes of alleviated symptoms every 20 minutes, and is automatically consumed upon purchase at the NPC. Can only be "Cured" By turning yourself in to be imprisoned at the PD by threatening the desk Sergeant, who will automatically imprison you for 5 years. This will bring you down to "Addicted" on all addictions.

"Tolerance" skill:
Consuming addictive substances will raise an 8/8 player skill of "Tolerance". This reduces the chance of addictions and progression of existing addictions.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- People can in-characterly roleplay as addicts with in game features allowing them to do so,
- New perpheads drug addiction challenge / character development threads involving armed robberies and the sad lives of drug addicts.
- People who powergrow cocaine all the time ending up addicted to it is poetic irony the game mode really needs.
- Creates an economy for drugs if players become addicted.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Pretty dark
- Could be hard to implement
- People could just commit suicide to lose drug addiction effects (Easily counter able by making addictions stay after death).
- Could discourage drug use alltogether.​
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A bit like the 'deal bags' idea here it's a really cool concept but something that isn't needed if anything it will remove the little roleplay that people like to do with alcohol and drugs because every time they wanna take something they will now have to pay to get over the effect it has.
- People can in-characterly roleplay as addicts with in game features allowing them to do so,
I mean people already can the only thing that this does is mean they have to take time/spend money to stop the roleplay this isn't a benefit and doesn't make anything easier for that person trying to rp.

- People who powergrow cocaine all the time ending up addicted to it is poetic irony the game mode really needs.
Yet again not a pro more of an annoyance really.
Creates an economy for drugs if players become addicted.
No, it wouldn't this isn't real-life people aren't actually going to be addicted to the point where they will buy of other people they will just use their own.

And overall substances such as weed, coke and alcohol are actually quite easy to get over (Assuming you haven't been constantly using for multiple years)

Also, you will never make a drug market in a game when there is one main drug dealer NPC who will always be cheaper to buy from/ make you more money when you sell.