Drugs with benefits?

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Before we begin, let me make it clear that I don't know what happens when you do drugs in Perp, as I'm highly proffesional and never use my own product. This idea might make a new system.

Topic: Taking drugs will give you a small benefit ranging from stamina to health

Short explanation (in notes):
- Make most of the different drugs give you small, shortlasting and sometimes backfiring buffs.

- These buffs can only be used once every 5-10 minutes, or else you will lose health, and only get a small part of the benefit.

- 420 blazing gives you a small health regen, but makes you a bit slow. If done too often, it will give no benefit, and make you even slower, maybe even give you a "drunk" effect.

- Snorting Coke will give you a stamina boost which makes it impossible for your stamina to drop for a short amount of time, but will go right down to breathless or exhausted when the time is out. Doing it too often will make the stamina period be shorter.

- Taking Meth will give you some kind of "armor" making you take less damage for a short time period, but will turn your stamina into crap, and when the time is out, you will lose some health, and end up with exhausted stamina.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
This idea should be concidered as it would add a kind of "buff" to criminals, and would add the RP of drug deals, as Meth and the other drugs would become more valuable if sold to players than if sold to the drug dealer. Of course people could just keep on making drugs like they usually do, but nobody ever takes drugs. They just sell it to the drug dealer or take it with them when they go raiding for no reason. This would give people the little "buff" they have talked about for so long, would add drug deals with players, and make drugs acctually kinda useful.

So why the drug deal RP? As mentioned, drugs are only used for sale. Adding this feature would give players a reason to want drugs, and not just selling everything. This also gives people a reason to buy, and sell drugs, as people probably would pay more than the drug dealer would give.

Adding the part where the drugs have a cooldown would keep people from going to raid with a ton of coke in their pockets, and would make people sometimes take risks with drugs to have a better chance of escaping. However, the drugs should maybe not directly kill someone, as the drug risking could break 3.4.

Optional additions:
- Maybe make some kind of addiction system that works a bit like hunger. If people take too much drugs in a short amount of time, they might become addicted. This kinda works like hunger, but takes a bit more time, adds a blurry effect, and is only cured by going to the medic and paying a fee, or maybe just wait the addiction out, which will not kill you, but make you go unconcious for 3-5 minutes.

If you got some ideas based on this, know any ways to improve this, or want to change what the different drugs do, tell me below.
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As nobody knows what the effects of Meth or Coke would look like on the screen, I've thought of some effects myself.
Cocaine: A slightly wavy screen- Like the drunk effect, but not as bad.
Meth: A wavy screen with mildly transparent rainbow colours, cos' why not?
In all of these drugs there should be the chance of getting addicted if you use some of them too much, and if you don't treat these addictions your character's stamina will be lower than usual and you get hungry easier.
Yes, I know this is an old thread, but I just stumbled across it and wanted to make some additions to it.
Meth should make you really lazy and cant be asked to do anything, and time to time, have a little buzz, where you can ran and your stamina wont go down as quick. Also Weed should make time go really slow and slack, adds more realism
While we're at it why not add something like overdosing? Since obviously people are going to be taking shit tons of it when in a raid, so to not make it to OP why not make people overdose, which would make them unconscious and they'd need to be treated by a medic in order to get up?
I like a lot of the ideas, but I don't like how all of the drugs will be glamorized as a raiding tool. +Neutral

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