Server Suggestion EB110 Race Event changes

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Description of the idea: Some changes to the EB110 Race Event. They are listed as follows:

Ghost Mode/No Collide - Disable vehicle collision in the first 10 seconds of the race to allow people to spread out and prevent blockages and collisions. If you are still within a vehicle after the 10 seconds are over you are still no collided with the rest/whoever you're stuck within.
Underdog Boost/Catchup - Cars in last place get a significant speed boost in order to allow them to catch up with the rest. This should be disabled if they're intentionally driving the opposite direction.
Checkpoints - Place multiple checkpoints throughout parts of the road so players can respawn their vehicles when they hold E for 3 seconds if they get stuck. Respawning sets them back a previous checkpoint they drove through and grants them no collide for 5 seconds, same rules as above.
Handbrake Turning - Enable the handbrake for all vehicles and/or increase the brake power of vehicles.
Colour selection - Be able to choose your own colour/paint job before a round starts.

Why should this be added? (pros): Changes that hopefully just add and fix something to the existing event. They all bring their pros which I hope is already clear enough.

What negatives could this have? (cons): None?
Description of the idea: Some changes to the EB110 Race Event. They are listed as follows:

Ghost Mode/No Collide - Disable vehicle collision in the first 10 seconds of the race to allow people to spread out and prevent blockages and collisions. If you are still within a vehicle after the 10 seconds are over you are still no collided with the rest/whoever you're stuck within.
Underdog Boost/Catchup - Cars in last place get a significant speed boost in order to allow them to catch up with the rest.
Checkpoints - Place multiple checkpoints throughout parts of the road so players can respawn their vehicles when they hold E for 3 seconds if they get stuck. Respawning sets them back at a checkpoint and grants them no collide for 5 seconds, same rules as above.
Handbrake Turning - Enable the handbrake for all vehicles and/or increase the brake power of vehicles.
Colour selection - Be able to choose your own colour/paint job before a round starts.

Why should this be added? (pros): Changes that hopefully just add and fix something to the existing event. They all bring their pros which I hope is already clear enough.

What negatives could this have? (cons): None?
uh oh a decent suggestion... here comes the "dEvEloPmeNt rEsOuRcEs" squad
Checkpoints are already a thing actually. Those annoying cones are the checkpoints. Aside from that, maybe make it so that people who drive the wrong way for too long get ejected from the event?

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