Efan Resignation

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After 7-8ish months of being a Community Manager, it is time for me to resign. There are multiple factors for this, mainly outside of PERP, I have recently lost a family member to who I was very close to and I was already feeling some detachment from PERP and this only further exacerbated it. I do not want to take a break or hold up a rank that someone else could do a better job in. I will leave you in my fellow Community Manager @Tyla Jai and he will guide you for years to come! I know I've made some controversial decisions but I genuinely hope I've had a positive impact on the server and community and allowed you to make good memories here.

Cheers to:

@Tyla Jai - Best junior Community Manager you could ask for.
@Collier - For helping put me in a position to get the role and everything after.
@Samuel - For being a very smart person and helping with all dev stuff.
@TinySlayer @Bolli @Madda - For giving me a chance to help the community.
@Fredy - Actually getting stuff done and listening to my ideas!
@roxie @Ayjay @Lelios @Carrot - For being the unsung heroes in the community, even if people give you shit.
@flugs @blackdown - Just being competent admins and generally caring.

Tons more people who have helped me but who cares, if you've helped me in any way I really appreciate it.

I don't really want to make a massive goodbye post but again, thank you for all the help along the way from staff, the Event Team and Content Creators!
:/ retirement party at 6 and then we give away our money to poor people!
You absolutely surprised everyone and I really do believe you tried your best to make everything a better place. I can also definitely say you did have an impact on the server, especially with bringing new players to the server.

Will be missed.
Sad to see you go my man, massive thank you for everything you have done for the server, you have been brilliant. Big love <3
Back 2 toxic Efan?!!

on a serious note, you genuinely did a great job as community manager and made a massive impact, cheers and best of luck with your future.
hope all the best for you and your family too, life's tough brotherman
Sorry for your loss.

You always gave your all to everything you wanted to get done and it really was admirable. You’ve achieved a lot as CM and exceeded every expectation I, and probably lots of other people, had of the rank. You should be very proud, good luck for the future.
actually surprised me at how good you were in this position, there was no doubt in my mind you'd get shit done but i didn't expect the turnaround in behaviour, well played man

will miss u xx
Sucks to see you go man, you were truly an impactful person and I thank you for all the effort you’ve put in. I wish you the best of luck and my condolences for your lost family member.
made big strides for perp that were long needed, big up. like everyone saying its sad to see you go, but cheers for what you've done for the community and for just overall being a sound guy. And letting me minge
Even though you was annoying at time and you have put in some cancer rules You generally tried. Even though we had different opinions on alot of things I still prefer the old toxic efan, He was funny!
Glad to see that you resigned changed the whole communities opinion of you.
See you around dude <3
you were alright even though you kicked me from helper and i was sadly forced to become a moderator.
I actually never even knew who you where before becoming a community manager but once you gained the role you proved a lot of people wrong, including me, by utilising it for the betterment of the community. Yes you added a few new rules that some people may disagree with but you tried your best to make the community a better place. Had some laughs with you and its sad to see you go. Good luck in life man :)

Also sorry to hear about your loss btw <3
someone give this man the legendary rank! Thank you for making making the changes you have to perp I can't imagine we'd be on v5 or have half the updates without you
You did an amazing job, I am probably not the only one to say you were the first person that actually utilized this role to an amazing extend and the community and I are really grateful for this.

You are an amazing person Ethan and it is sad to see you resigning.

My condolences for the loss, I hope you will feel better soon!

Good luck with what you do, Im sure were all going to miss you!