Escape The Backrooms

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Looking for players to play this co-op proximity chat based 10$ horror game with. Newly released backrooms game which actually seems POLISHED and OPTIMIZED.
The developer is updates it and shows it off on his youtube found here.

If you're down to play please privately message / dm me
isnt there a Gmod gamemode for this, why buy a $10 game
Before anything I think graphics play a huge part in the worth of it being better than a Garry's mod gamemode.

I played the hell out of backrooms rp on gmod and it's fun but it's basically Dark RP with a few rdm classes. I am interested in it for the possible levels I never got to experience, the graphics and the entities or the puzzles and the interaction with friends using proximity vs being lured in by a entity mimicking a human.
Scrap this post, refunded the game due to lack of players to play with.
Good news, new update!

I got the game back shortly after lol and finished part3, now part 4 is out anyone want to play let’s make a squad, dm me.