Eternal Song Program


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So I was looking for a way to listen to the same song on repeat but it not be 'repetitive' as I am the sort of person who loves to just play the same song over and over and over again. I found this website called:

Pretty much you can search for your song and when you pick it the computer will play the song to you and show you in real time the connections within the song it makes and will decide what path your listening will take. This is coupled with the computers goal to make sure you can listen to the song for as long as you want. Pretty much meaning you get a totally randomised listening experience for as long as you want.

When I saw it at first I was sceptical on how well it works but after using it for about 40 mins on 2 songs I can say it works pretty well. Some of the jumps are questionable but it definitely makes for a more interesting listening experience.

I thought I'd share this as I know a lot of this community is into music. I don't know much about the website itself but I can try and answer any questions!

For those that still don't understand or that can't be asked to read it all TLDR: This site you can put in the song you want to listen to and a computer will visualise and show you how it will play the SAME song to you in multiple different ways!!!

I want to stress that I am not claiming this creation is mine I literally found it by accident and thought id let you all know!
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I don't understand your post. I myself usually use Spotify however this will give you the SAME song but played in lots of different ways endlessly. Try it out and you'll see what I mean
I've known about this for awhile, Been meaning to experiment with it for awhile.

EDIT: It chews slayer songs LMAO, Really elaborates on the rise of pure hypocrisy!