ETS 2 PH Convoy Meetup!

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Credit to @LordTyla
Hey guys, I had this idea a while ago but never really wanted to do it, but after speaking to a few people from PH that already play the game, they seem interested in participating. For now this idea may be a one off, but it people want to have more of these then PM me on the forums about it and maybe I can organize some more for the future.

If you are interested in joining then just pop your name down below so I can have an idea of how many people want to join.

The date is still TBC but I shall reply to the thread once I have found an appropriate date.

If any of you have any concerns or questions feel free to add me on steam or PM me on the forums.
If you guys can give me the days you are free, I can sort of unravel which days may be suitable. Also if you aren't available to these, I'll try my hardest to get one planned so you can join.
Right guys, I've come up with a little schedule, I was thinking of trying every Monday in the evening. Will that work for you? If so please say. Thanks.
[DOUBLEPOST=1492272823,1492272430][/DOUBLEPOST]Do you guys want to trial it tomorrow? I understand that its Easter so saying no doesn't bother me. We will just go back to the plan.
@Hayden @MangoJuice @LordTyla @Creepis @ErmakDimon @Rogue Matiz Tyres @Pusheen
Right guys, this is what is going to happen. There will be a convoy on tomorrow and Monday. Both will be at the same time and location. The time that this is going to happen is 7pm BST +1 and we will be meeting in London at the Garage. I'll try and get a teamspeak channel so all of us can join. See you guys tomorrow!