Every rule condensed down into easy to understand terms.

Reaction score
Every rule condensed into smaller sentences:

Basic conduct:
Basic conduct rules are here to protect players from harmful or malicious actions within the community.
1.1: Don’t be disrespectful. Don’t insult players in out of character ways such as OOC or clearly targeted in game chat abuse.
1.2: Don’t be racist, sexist, homophobic, Or offensive towards things about a user they have no control about.
1.3: Innocent until proven guilty, don’t publicly accuse users of breaking rules or spreading misinformation about them.
1.4: Don’t cause issues and behave in a way which might provoke users to break 1.1
1.5: Don’t dox (leak personal info), forge fake screenshots, Or use another players identity in any way to bring them down.
1.6: Don‘t disobey the orders of staff members, if you have a problem you must make a staff complaint.

General conduct:
Relates to how you behave in game.
2.1: Act as if you are a person with the limitations a real person would have. Don’t perform actions that would be considered unrealistic.
2.2: Don’t use a microphone which makes what you say difficult to understand, or a voice changer which changes your microphone to sound bad on purpose.
2.3: Do not abuse glitches or bugs within the game, and report them as soon as you discover them.
2.4: In game currency, assets or items can not be traded for items outside of the game, or in exchange for a currency outside of the game. You can pay someone in game money to buy you VIP though.
2.5: You cannot attempt to cause people massive financial losses without them first causing you financial losses. For example, you cannot set players property on fire or wreck their vehicles unless they stole money and items from you, causing a loss of money to yourself significant enough to justify it. You may also not kill players without there being a valid, realistic Roleplay reason to do so. Killing them for witnessing a crime, for insults, minor punches, or other actions where you didn’t risk losing much is not allowed.
2.6: You must report rule breaks as you see them. Just because you are in an RP situation that you think is against the rules, you yourself must follow the rules too. Make a report if the situation is against the rules.
2.7: You must play with sound on, and be able to hear in game sounds and players microphones.
2.8: You may not roleplay any sexual situations, including hitting on players in game. You also may not share pornographic content.
2.9: You must use all the chat features in the game only for what they are supposed to be for. Example, don’t use help chat unless you are replying to or asking a question.

General character rules:
Rules relating to roleplaying.
3.1: You must pick a name that is both a realistic name, and a name which does not belong to a celebrity.
3.2: You must not use out of character chat methods to communicate in game or act upon information given to you via out of character methods. You also must not say stuff about in character situations in these settings during the situation because that can be used to talk in game too.
3.3: Players must not perform unrealistic actions. Actions such as bhopping, Crouch spamming, rain dancing, and other movements not doable in real life are disallowed.
3.4: Basically fearRP. You cannot do something that will risk you dying if the risk of you dying outweighs the risk and reward of success. You also must not do something to risk or escalate a prison sentence you would be receiving.
3.5: When you die, you must forget the situation that led to your death, who killed you, and any Roleplay situations you were in before dying. You must not go back to where you died until the 5 minute timer expired and you cannot involve yourself in the situation.
3.6: Intentionally killing yourself to avoid roleplay, or doing something that is almost guaranteed to kill you is not allowed.

Building rules:
You also cannot place props in a property you don’t have permission to place props inside. You cannot build defences which force players to jump or crouch to get around.
You cannot place props in a manner which forces players down a maze, or forcing them through 1 player wide gaps. You cannot place props next to doors that restrict players from walking around the door, essentially forcing them into a predictable spot when using Bobby pins or crowbars. You cannot build 1 way visible defences and you cannot build elevated defences.
You must have 2 entrances to your storage chest area unless your property only has 1. You cannot block entrances unless there are more than 3. You cannot build a defence during an ongoing raid, nor can you place raidable entities down whilst building.

3.11: Don't use props to push players or objects. Don't use props to stop a roleplay situation, such as to stop a car rolling down a hill or stop a player chasing you.
3.12: You can only kill the mayor for their tax policies if they have been warned, or any situation where killing another player would be allowed (self defence, if they entered an active shootout you are apart of for malicious reasons).
3.13: You can only put items for sale with the cash register in places you own or have permission to use, and cannot give them misleading names.
3.14: You must not prank call users excessively. This includes calling 911 with fake calls, or other jobs with fake callouts, even if you use the /rc or /taxi chats to do so.
3.15: Car FearRP. You cannot do actions to intentionally damage your vehicle unless doing so has a direct benefit, such as to kill an attacker, To retrieve it from being stolen, or whilst escaping cops / attackers. Ramming cars for no reason is not allowed.
3.16: Players must not go afk for long periods of time when within RP areas. If you need to go afk during RP, you must make a report.
3.17: You cannot go AFK on a job for a long period of time and must make a report saying you need to go afk prior to doing so.
3.18: You cannot store items that would be taken from you as a profit from a raid or seized by police whilst you still have an active situation ongoing. You also cannot strip attachments from guns during shootouts to avoid losing them, But taking off long range scopes during shootouts is fine as long as it isn't done to save the scope.
3.19: Players must evade arrest realistically and proportionately to the crime they have committed. For example, if you're fleeing police for traffic related crime, you must not shoot the police. You also can't use the monorail whilst being pursued by anyone.
3.20: You cannot disconnect from the server mid RP, such as when you're being arrested, raided or mugged. You also cannot disconnect or reconnect to avoid your car being stolen.
3.21: All NPCs are to be treated as if they are other people. You also cannot commit crimes in front of them without dealing with them in character (Shooting them doesn't count). NPCs may be called upon as witnesses for a crime. You cannot use medical NPCs whilst you are being attacked.
3.22: You must avoid driving on the wrong side of the highway unless 100% necessary in a way which ensures your safety over the risk of a car crash. You must stop for red lights at intersection too unless a life threatening emergency is underway.
3.23: You cannot lock planters into a place where they cannot be moved by fists. You cannot place them in places where you need to jump or crouch to access them. You also cannot grow them in public buildings (Any job / npc business building).
3.24: You must not break character during RP situations.
3.25: You cannot mug players mid shootout, or harvest drugs mid shootout.
3.26: /me chat is for RP reasons only, and /me's cannot be done to perform actions that can be performed in game. /me's must be realistic and not to try power gaming.
3.27: You cannot hold players against there will without a valid RP reason and must not do so for any longer than necessary. The time before staff intervene is 10 minutes.
3.28: You cannot use /me to tie players up, you must use the "zip ties" item instead. Players who have been gagged with a /me cannot be ungagged until they are untied or another player has removed the gag with a /me.
3.29: Players may only recognise other players by name if they have been told their name, or found their name out through other means. Players can also only be recognised if a significant amount of their face was seen by the player. Players cannot change names or identifying features whilst they have done something that could mean they are actively being pursued.
3.30: Weapons and vehicles can only be confiscated by police if the immediate surrounding area has been cleared and confirmed safe to do so. Police cannot confiscate weapons if they are likely to be flanked and lose.
3.31: Transactions of in game money for in game items can only be agreed upon in game or in the In-character sections of the forums. Players who are lending money or items to another player do so at their own risk and if they are scammed, then that is on them and not staff.

4: City employees
Rules relating to city employees, and how to interact with them
4.1: All government employees must follow the law.
Medics (4.2):
Medics cannot enter a crime scene unless it is clear to move in, Even if they are told to enter by police whilst shots are still ongoing. This includes when all the police are dead as the scene is still dangerous. Medics may only be killed if they are reviving opposing players within a combat zone, or if they fail to follow orders under gunpoint. They must not patrol in their ambulance and use a medic car instead. Paramedics must inform police of all crimes they witness unless threatened not to under gunpoint.
Firefighters cannot enter a crime scene unless it is clear to move in, Even if they are told to enter by police whilst shots are still ongoing. Even if all the police are dead, they cannot move in because it is still dangerous. Firefighters may only be killed if they are assisting opposing players within the combat zone, or if they fail to follow orders under gunpoint. They must not patrol in their fire engine and use a firefighter car instead. Firemen must inform police of all crimes they witness unless threatened not to under gunpoint.
Roadcrew cannot enter a crime scene unless it is clear to do so and fully secured by police. Roadcrew cannot boot or impound vehicles without permission from police unless the vehicle is abandoned and completely blocking a road. Roadcrew must inform police of all crimes they witnessed unless directly threatened not to. Roadcrew workers cannot charge more than $500 per vehicle service action.
The mayor cannot change laws. They cannot hide or spend time inside the PD or the casino for longer than 10 minutes.
Secret service agents:
Secret service agents must protect and stay with the mayor at all times unless the mayor asks them to do something else. They must not get involved with fighting crime unless they're doing so to protect the mayor. They should abide by reasonable requests from the mayor, and must not do anything that is illegal even if the mayor requests them do so. SS agents may give orders to the mayor in emergencies. Secret Service may detain the mayor for crimes if their rank lets them do so.
Police Dispatch must stay inside the PD dispatch room at all times unless absolutely necessary to leave (Example: During a fire or PD raid). They must use a microphone at all times.
Taxi drivers:
Taxi drivers must cooperate with emergency services at all times and cannot flee police. They cannot violate drugs laws. They also cannot break property laws (Tresspassing, theft). They cannot force players to remain in there cars to take longer routes in order to get more money out of them, or simply drive back and fourth to drain their wallets.
Couriers must follow all the same laws as Taxi Drivers do. They must deliver parcels to the right location.

Crime rules:
Rules relating to crime.
5.1: Players may do 3 muggings in a 60 minute time frame. Players cannot force players to take items out of storage or their bank during a mugging. You may not mug players in public areas, and you cannot kidnap players from public areas to private ones for muggings, this includes letting someone in your car for a ride only for you to take them elsewhere to mug them. Players cannot be moved from a public area to a private one to mug them. You can only take Drugs, money, Weapons, magazines, ammo, attachments, and non-furniture items during a mugging.
5.2: Players cannot force players to take items out of storage, trunks, chests, or their bank accounts in order to steal them. They can, however, do so if the items they are retrieving were stolen from them to begin with, as long as all players do not have NLR in the situation at hand. Police may force withdraw items they can prove have been stolen or used in a crime however. Money and items may only be forced withdrawn by civilians if the items were stolen, taken via scamming, or loaned to a player who refuses to return them.
5.3: You are limited to 2 raids per 60 minute time peroid. You must wait 60 minutes before attempting to raid the same property again, regardless of how involved in the initial raid you were. If you helped in any way, you cannot reraid it for another 60 minutes. You cannot use more than 2 bombs to raid. If a neighbouring property assists in defending the property you are raiding, you may raid it without it adding to your hourly raid limit however you must still abide by the raiding cooldown. If you are raiding a non-player owned building (PD, CH) Or raiding the mayors house, limits do not apply.
5.4: You can only kill non-police government workers if they ignore gunpoint or enter a shootout to assist police or opposing players. You cannot mug players who are working a job. You may rp taking their radio and equipment however.
5.5: You must gain the warrant at the start of the bank robbery in order to be a part of it. You cannot involve yourself in a bank robbery you weren't registered as being a part of (You weren't in the vault when the drill was placed). If you are kicked out a bank robbery you cannot get involved. You can not take hostages during or before a bank robbery. Police cannot take the money you've received by bank transfer after the robbery happens.
5.6: You must have a valid RP reason to kidnap players. This includes hostage taking in an emergency. You cannot kidnap players to mug them unless to force withdraw stolen goods. You cannot take hostages because you want ransom money from the Police.
5.7: You cannot commit crimes with organisation rivals. You cannot base with organisation rivals. You cannot raid with organisation rivals. If you are both police this does not apply as you are different characters as cops.

Misc. Rules:
Rules relating to stuff that doesn't fit in with other categories.
6.1: You must not continue raids after a server restart. You cannot continue RP after the server has a full restart until 5 minutes have passed. Police cannot arrest people until 5 minutes after a server restart.
6.2: You cannot use cheats, macros, scripts, 3rd party tools, modded content, or anything to give you a major advantage that doesn't come with default gmod. This includes hacks, Cheats, Auto Hot Key scripts and similar macros, crosshair software, or modded content allowing you to see things other players cannot.

Unfortunately this whole thing turned out longer than expected due to the amount of rules. Just a bit of a TL;DR for people who don't read the rules, just refer them to this.

never read the rules just get a ban or two and you'll learn the rules (rules condensed down into easy to understand terms)

Probably the most useful thing for new players to understand. Good shit.