3.3 Realistic Actions- All actions a player makes must be done as realistically as possible, especially during combat; for example, when jumping up-to, or down-from somewhere, it must be done so slowly, carefully, and without resulting in injury to the player, when mugging someone you must also not force storage access as it is in no way realistic to put items that you've just mugged off the owner, into their storage chest.
Please rewrite my part for no grammar issues
Please rewrite my part for no grammar issues

Death Howl: Why roleplay when you can just use a chest when you have mugged the guy. There is a reason why storage cannot be used during a raid and it should be over when only the winners are left standing and no one else will be turning up anytime soon. Even if you are mugging someone if you are in their property by force it is raiding even if you are only mugging him.
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