Evidence Bag

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England, Norfolk
Topic: Evidence bags for Police

Short explanation (in notes):
- A evidence bag Is used to preserve evidence and prevent contamination in order to use against the suspect instead of destroying it which always happens because you cant just pick up and carry evidence all the way to PD.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Evidence bags will come in Two sizes, Small and large which can be used on different items. Small would be for drugs, Small Arms and other items like phones. Large would be for bigger items like automatic weapons, Stolen goods and possibly dead bodies.

Evidence bags would only be able to carry one item at a time due to the risk of contamination and only authorised officers like Detective, Lieutenants and any officer they authorize may handle the contents. Being able to take the evidence and use it will turn the tide in investigations and court hearings.

Optional additions:
- Small = All Officers Large = Detective and Lieutenant
- Adding laws to officers on use of evidence bags, All evidence must be taken to PD as high priority or will be considered contaminated, All evidence considered illegal (Drugs and firearms) must be destroyed unless it is still needed.

I think that police should carry evidence bags within their inventory and after a raid should equip them and click on items just like what happens with a bobby pin.
Huge +Support on this.

When you're RPing as cop and trying to interrogate someone it would be so much better if you could actually say we found "takes evidence out of bag" at the crime scene next to your body etc etc
+support for one of the ideas on my list :D
It's something really important to prevent cops destroying everything they see. I lost a shotgun once when I was raided and cops destroyed it as soon as they saw it when I was unconscious.
This is a really good idea, so instead of destroying the item you can put it into your evidence bag. And then at the Interegation rooms you can take out the evidence bag and take out the ''illegal'' items the suspect had. Yeah. sorry about this bad spelling and stuff im on my phone xD but this is a +Support!
Not going to go over a lot of this at this point, however here is one concern that I want to see how you or someone else can possibly address.

Let's say police do put evidence into some sort of bag or container.
  • If the person is found not guilty, how then are you going to return that person's items to them?
  • On top of that, what stops a cop from giving a guilty person's items back which they should no longer have access to?
  • Worse yet, giving someone else's items to an unrightful owner.
Just a few things to think about, there is more than this but for now I want these addressed.
I can answer the first concern but for the other two will have to be some kind of law for police.

The evidence bags would act like containers which can carry items that can be taken out, Yet can be carried in the inventory or the evidence bag could be a tool which puts the item in your inventory instead of destroying it.

New Law
All evidence collected on scene must be brought to the PD after being collected immediately unless of a emergency.
Authorised officers including Lieutenants, Detectives or officers authorised by the lieutenant may only return evidence to their rightful owners, If the evidence would be considered illegal it must be destroyed when the case is closed.
I do belive this will add alot of realism to the server and playing as a cop. However, if someone are raiding you and you die but getting revived, the gun should be near you, usually all of the cops takes the gun even tho you werent the one raiding. This gets very annoying due to the amount you spend on guns and you are losing them without even doing anything with them except protection.
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