Fake steam login scam

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Hello everyone,

I thought I'd address this topic after @Mango messaged me on steam saying that someone tried to scam him. Luckily he knew about this method, but it is almost guaranteed to trick you if you've never heard about it; which is why I'm creating this thread.

So the method that they tried to use is known as the "Fake steam login" scam. When entering a gambling/trading website it'll ask you to log into steam with a pop-up. Now of course this isn't suspicious at all but that very pop-up is actually a replica of the official login and it's unsecured meaning they'll receive your User and password entry.

Here is what the REAL and FAKE pop-ups look like.


As you can see in the top left corner, it is a proper https steam URL and has a secured connection.


And as you can see here, it isn't a proper URL and does NOT have a secured connection. If you try to click the store tab or any one of them, it'll tell you steam servers are having trouble connecting.

Rest assured, they can not get to your steam inventory if you have mobile authenticator enabled, however once they ask you for the authenticator code they are able to gain access to any funds you may have on different websites and use those funds or transfer them to their account.

Please be safe and take caution when trading/gambling. Scammers are getting more clever every day.

Evidently some of you are still incompetent enough to practice internet safety 4Weird

The images disappeared but for the REAL login there will be a proper https steam URL with a green lock typically. It'll say that it's a secured connection. A fake one won't be under a secured connection and any hyperlink to support, the store, etc, wont load

Please stop being morons, it's 2020 and the fact that some of you are still getting hijacked is beyond me.
Evidently some of you are still incompetent enough to practice internet safety 4Weird

The images disappeared but for the REAL login there will be a proper https steam URL with a green lock typically. It'll say that it's a secured connection. A fake one won't be under a secured connection and any hyperlink to support, the store, etc, wont load

Please stop being morons, it's 2020 and the fact that some of you are still getting hijacked is beyond me.
This is a time when you have to call these people out @Jimmy Jackson @Kenty @THE SPOOK.
hello friends of perpheads. log into steam directly and click remember me.

if a site asks you to log in its fake

thanks for coming to my ted talk
Customer service was a 2/10, told me to “suck my mums fingers, however, it didn’t send me a link so that’s good.
you're scamming me with the lack of links dude frick off Aquaa
I have experience when it comes to developing phishing pages and legitimate steam login pages so I’ll comment somewhat on this.

Don’t login to steam if you’re not on the official steam website?

also don’t do it on public WiFi as people can make it appear as you’re on the official steam website (if you must that’s the only time you may need a VPN)

be careful my fellow perpheads brethren!