Fake suicide vest/ real suicide vest

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Under Lewis088's bed
Description of the idea: Create a craftable, fake suicide vest, this can be created with the fake grenade, for obvious reasons it will not be able to go off, because its putting your life at risk but in RP the police and other players will have to believe this as a real one.

Another could be a REAL suicide vest but to put on the hostage, this will completely stop the metagame and make the cops realise oh this shit real, you can force a hostage to put this on and if the cops do not comply, boom, there could be a number to go with the vest or a detonation switch, also if the hostage is shot whilst they have it on they will blow up.

Why should this be added? (pros):(Fake)It will be great for hostage situations, e.g forcing the hostage to put one on or you do it so police dont shoot you on sight and RP can actually be made, this will be really good to use for a variety of situations, also its the same as holding a live grenade just taking away the possibility of death and you can hold other things while doing it.

(Real) it will make RP situations so much better and then there will be an actual risk of no complying with a hostage taker.

What negatives could this have? (cons): N/A

*Other additions: They should be a high firearms level and pricey so you cant make one for every situation, it can be an exclusive thing for certain situations

If someone just straps this on and mass rdm's or kills themselves then the rules apply, no one should post this being a easier way to mass rdm either because anyone can buy a rifle, grenade, bomb, molly there are alot more ways to mass rdm

*Images: Suicide.jpg
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+Support BUT cops will meta and know it's fake therefore, ignore the fact you got a suicide vest. What I normally do is have someone else kidnap someone with me and stay on the phone to the kidnapper with a remote bomb in the building then if the phone ends with my other hostage taker then I know hes dead so I detonate the remote explosives. EZ PZ
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