Complete & final FPS Guide! (No cheeky .exe's, no artifacts)

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any1 asking for fps tips in game? refer them to this link:

-full -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -dev -console -novid +cl_cmdrate 100 +myinfo_bytes 2000 +cl_updaterate 101 +rate 30000 +r_hunkalloclightmaps 0

Try out the key on some random f1 bind. itt show MOUSE5 for example. Simply type that instead of a key letter/number.

KEYPAD BINDS: (Sometimes require num-lock to be toggled)
  1. Numpad 0 - KP_INS
  2. Numpad 1 - KP_END
  3. Numpad 2 - KP_DOWNARROW
  4. Numpad 3 - KP_PGDN
  5. Numpad 4 - KP_LEFTARROW
  6. Numpad 5 - KP_5
  7. Numpad 6 - KP_RIGHTARROW
  8. Numpad 7 - KP_HOME
  9. Numpad 8 - KP_UPARROW
  10. Numpad 9 - KP_PGUP
  11. Numpad Dot or . - KP_DEL
  12. Numpad ENTER - KP_ENTER
  13. Numpad + - KP_PLUS
  14. Numpad - - KP_MINUS
  15. Numpad * - KP_MULTIPLY
  16. Numpad / - KP_SLASH
  17. Numpad next to Slash - KP_NUMLOCK
bind ; "r_shadows 0;r_3dsky 0"
bind . "r_shadows 1;r_3dsky 1"
// ; leaves you without a flashlight and big render distance, . gives you it. You need it sometimes, so bind them.
// having shadows binded is because yous sometimes need your flashlight. 0 disables it //but will give you a smashing fps boost, my making things a little darker.
r_queued_decals 1
//Performs magic with decals, doesn't alter them, just magic.
r_queued_post_processing 1
// Same magic
r_3dsky 0
r_drawbatchdecals 0
r_drawdetailprops 0
//even more fucking houdini shit
r_queued_ropes 1
// I sometimes experienced some weird shit with ropes flyng around, and by using this //command(when i fixed that issue) i noticed a big increase in FPS(paralake = rope confirm?)
r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1
//Does something with shadows, shadows can take ALOT of particles
r_threaded_particles 1
r_threaded_renderables 1
//guess that these two above do something with threading.
r_fastzreject -1
//Diffrent version of mat_queue_mode, but it doesn't fuck up.
echo "If you see this then all your automatic FPS commands are set!"
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Can someone tell me if this works? Because last time I did a similar thing, and it broke my gmod.

-w 1600 -h 900 removed due:


This will not happen to you if your resolution is higher than 1600x900 (no problems with 1080p. Most 15'6 laptops would have this tough)

If you do have any higher res than this then you need to remove -w 1600 -h 900 from the command line and set your res to whatever you had before in settings.
I've tested this and does not even work . made my game crash plus getting pink+black ingame is currently redirecting to a website named "Save the garlic frog".
Currently fixing this..

http 301 url has been set so that should work soon,.

Works now again
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My PC says it hasn't got any application which it can use to open the autoexec file. halp
Every since I did this I keep getting error
"Too many verts for a Dynamic Vertex Buffer"
[DOUBLEPOST=1459628447,1459628221][/DOUBLEPOST]I found it NVM
Could you maybe expect from just throwing a butt load of commands at us, explain what they do? And why the hell would you want -dev? All it does is force your game in developer mode, which, if you're not a developer, is something you should not want?
So I decided to use 2 different monitors for this to see if the resolution matters, and it does.

The 1920x1080 monitor I used (LG 25UM57-P) had no issues at all, it was running without any issues on 60 fps. (Due to the fps_max 60)

I used a 1280x1024 monitor after that (HP L1950) this one does have some issues. It gave me the VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE error after joining the server several times. I tried joining singleplayer first but after 5 minutes of spawning different cars and props it gave me the same error. I still didn't find out which command is doing this but I am working on it. I will edit the post when I found it.
So I decided to use 2 different monitors for this to see if the resolution matters, and it does.

The 1920x1080 monitor I used (LG 25UM57-P) had no issues at all, it was running without any issues on 60 fps. (Due to the fps_max 60)

I used a 1280x1024 monitor after that (HP L1950) this one does have some issues. It gave me the VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE error after joining the server several times. I tried joining singleplayer first but after 5 minutes of spawning different cars and props it gave me the same error. I still didn't find out which command is doing this but I am working on it. I will edit the post when I found it.

Wow thanks for testing this out, i will try to search it myself too. I never had the issue at 1366X768 myself on a laptop.

sneaky . i tried your guide .

here is my problem :

  • EDIT:
    -w 1600 -h 900 removed due:


    This will not happen to you if your resolution is higher than 1600x900 (no problems with 1080p. Most 15'6 laptops would have this tough)

    If you do have any higher res than this then you need to remove -w 1600 -h 900 from the command line and set your res to whatever you had before in settings.
i am not able to get rid of the vertex vuffer size the error stays . and removing it does not work ?

any possible fix?
sneaky . i tried your guide .

here is my problem *snip*
One of these commands causes it:
mat_compressedtextures 1
mat_bumpmap 0
mat_clipz 0
mat_filterlightmaps 0
mat_filtertextures 0
mat_mipmaptextures 0
mat_softwarelighting 1
mat_specular 0
mat_picmip 2

Try experimenting by turing them off one by one to see which one.
Thx leyer i think i found it . Its been decent for 10 minutes now .

this one was the one i changed and put on 0

  • mat_softwarelighting 1

Since many of you had alot of problems i have decided to just test if most of these commands were working.
Found out that everything here is pretty much unnecesary and will only cause trouble instead of good.
So, please read the new thread and see for yourself!
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