
I never really used to like you William but I have seen the nicer side of you and it won't be the same without you it's a shame you won't be on and you will be missed


This song is my message to you William
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Damn man another close friend of mine leaving. I will miss you and I hope you will be back as soon as possible, I will be waiting for you. - Lamar (The real one :P)
Sad to see that you got permbanned my friend and i hope that you will get unbanned someday.You will be missed by The Armenian Mafia and you were the best "Captain" we had.Good luck in the future
Bye William, I'm sad to see your gone, I hope that sometime in the future you can be unbanned and again join us.

You're where you're meant to be - and that is fucking banned.

Fuck you too.
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Even if you broke rules, in my opinion you were a great guy to play with. Thanks for Trapani times and goodbye.
Should have sent me nudes glad you're banned fucking moron

Love you too
send me nudes.
sexy selfie for u big boy♡
Your character in-game was a dickhead although OOCly I liked you a lot William, you ain't one of those guys who act the same way their characters do, I hope you the best of luck in whatever you are planning on doing in life!

See ya William, you've been good with us. Thanks for helping me out..

btw im stealing your slaves.