Puma Messages 2,413 Reaction score 4,959 Points 815 Location Nigeria May 8, 2015 #3 My favorite kind of bear. Oh, you said beer?
Zayne Messages 985 Reaction score 1,930 Points 610 May 8, 2015 #4 Non - I am not allowed bear beer, unfortunately. I think it's unfortunate, I wouldn't know.
Cole Messages 945 Reaction score 2,252 Points 720 Location Texas United States May 8, 2015 #5 German beer = best beer
John Daymon Messages 7,408 Reaction score 17,201 Points 900 Location IKEA - Northern Europe May 8, 2015 #6 Don't drink, sowri… however my fav drink is Coca-Cola
MattIs Guest May 8, 2015 Thread starter #8 Already Know @MoronPipllyd and @Murtsley response to this. But here's mine:
BillySavery Messages 233 Reaction score 803 Points 455 Location United Kingdom May 8, 2015 #13 Desperadoes!
Pear Messages 311 Reaction score 640 Points 340 Location Pryp'yat', Kyivs'ka oblast, Ukraine May 8, 2015 #18 Love a bit of this to keep being sober away (I know it is not a beer don't cry :trande: )
Murtsley Messages 1,276 Reaction score 3,225 Points 790 Location East Grestin Border Checkpoint May 8, 2015 #20 It's gotta be Budweiser. For the record, I am a draught kind of guy, I don't like canned but don't really mind bottled.
It's gotta be Budweiser. For the record, I am a draught kind of guy, I don't like canned but don't really mind bottled.