Favourite movies

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What’s your favourite movies?

Men in black (all of them but haven’t seen the spinoff one)
The entire (entire) Star Wars trilogy, revenge of the sith Being my favourite.
Blazing Saddles
Space Balls
Kevin and Perry Go Large
Pulp Fiction
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Grown ups 1, Kung Fu Panda 2, Star Wars trilogy (don't have a decisive favourite), The Wolf of Wall Street, How to Train Your Dragon 1 and 2, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Ant Man 1, Harry Potter all/5.

I'm more into TV personally but those are some of my classics/favourites.
Grown ups 1, Kung Fu Panda 2, Star Wars trilogy (don't have a decisive favourite), The Wolf of Wall Street, How to Train Your Dragon 1 and 2, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Ant Man 1.

I'm more into TV personally but those are some of my classics/favourites.
I love all of these, only one I haven't seen is Grown Ups.
Friday, Next Friday, Friday After Next Friday and Last friday my favorite movies all time 110%
Spider-Man No Way Home is fucking amazing specially if you grew up watching all the different series with the 3 actors.

That film is so good!
Forrest Gump
Schlinder's List
Full Metal Jacket
Rio Bravo (John Wayne's)
All of the Halloween movies