This quarter's Employee Satisfaction Survey is now closed, a total of 46 responses were submitted and gave us a wide range of opinions and feedback. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response for taking the time to do so, here are some of the feedback given to us and our thoughts about them.
Names may have been removed, but responses have not been edited in any other way. Spelling and grammar is exactly the same as how responses have been submitted.

How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?

- I chose 7 as I wouldn't really recommend PD to new players just because what most new players are like.
- At this point i don´t have nothing agaisnt PLPD, i think is working correctly for years and still continue with a great high standard
- i love being an officer, but sometimes its just too much. as a low rank officer, i find that if i do something wrong, instead of being told what i should do better to improve as an officer, i often find myself getting shouted at or being mocked for something small or out of my control, and instead of making me improve it just makes me upset.
- There are some really nice people, they act professional and do their very best! but sometimes it's a bit hard when a new officer is trying simply failing to do their job or even refusing. i've had this happen a few times now and makes the experience a lot less.
- Being a police officer is a stressful roleplay style, even more so when playing PERPHeads a server which I enjoy playing however I must admit takes the rules extremely seriously with a rough compounding rate for punishment severity paired with all the information one is expected to memorize and learn. Simply put, a friend of mine becoming a PLPD Officer would very much cause them to instantly get banned or get bored of dying to black screens. If the player is experienced and knows how to roleplay as an officer very well and has taught themselves an adequate sum of the rules such that they won't be in trouble then I would.
- progression is muddled and confusing, feedback near non existent. got told to get some ors without further explaination.
In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.

- I don't recall anything of the sort
- maybe an occasional well done from a supervisor on scene but not really from anywhere else
- i feel like if i do something good, i never get praise, but if i do something ever so slightly wrong i get told off or shouted at, of course not always. but its happened a lot
- I preform all my duties to the best of my abilities with or without supervision and while I am supervised I take lead to the point where my supervisors will notice that I have covered all grounds with all factors included or discarded to showcase my level of competence as an officer.
- I don't think i have ever been given praise for doing good in situations,Not really a thing that happens,can't pinpoint why.
- Same reason as usual, I don't specifically ask for observation reports (mainly because I am very content with the roles I have already and don't see the need to apply for higher ranks etc.).
I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.

- the handbook and police guide are really helpful
- some policies go against eachother but there are lots of recourses to help
- I do but it took me ages before I could actually memorize, comprehend and understand. Many of the things are far too scarcely mentioned in the front page of things for everybody to be expected to know them as they are hard to find or not thoroughly explained yet severely punishable.
- All resources are available except for certain law descriptions not going into enough detail like for example attempting to steal a car, but getting caught, if it's vandalism for damaging it or what law that would rather be.
Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.

- if u can find one that is
- I don't talk to supervisors that much and mostly only when a civil requests one
- some supervisors seem to ignore you, others seem to be amazing.
- I have received helpful tips from all supervisors i have spoken with.
- Supervisors are always knowledgeable and ready if I have a question, and are able to course correct if I make a simple mistake without completely discrediting me.
- Most of the supervisors I've seen have appeared supportive towards other officers.
- I won't need one 99% of the time and have never had to ask for one for myself but I've seen the support they give and can say they're very helpful.
Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.

- all PLPD structure is always friendly and allows other to get help in any situations.
- Making helpdesk and asking for feedback never was a problem.
- communication is a mess.
- Helpdesk exists. As do Supervisors and plenty of other members of Command if the issue is serious - depends what's classed as 'help', though.
- When i ask a question in /gov people don’t answer me. When i ask in person they usually ignore me, but in the dashboard they will answer in a few hours/minutes
- Depends what problem you have. If there is an IA on you there is very minimal evidence.
Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?

- Yes because i felt achieved when i got the rank
- I enjoy it but I am saddened it's taking me this long to rank up within it and gain TFU access. I know these trials are needed to maximize quality but I am awaiting the day I succeed and finally achieve these spots in the PLPD which makes me happy not only regarding the moment of crowning but that I went through the process to get there anyway.
- In a way, yes, I am. I genuinely cannot express the respect I have for this server for providing every day players with a rare opportunity to play a role that requires legitimate concentration and knowledge to perform well. It feels really rewarding at times.
- Yes, but seeing all the IA material makes me doubt the professionalism of new officers
- Why not? The PLPD is fun and yeah I know some officers are dicks but not all.
My opinions seem to count.

- higher ranks only help each other
- Depends the situations
- In all my years here they have never actually taken my or done anything with my opinion.
- Sometimes my opinion gets respected and the person doesnt have a problem with it. But most of the time i get responses like "nobody asked", "who asked", "we dont care"
- This survey is the best example, people get heard by command.
- Most decisions are made by command without any interraction with their training staff.
- I don't feel they do, I don't know if that's because of my rank. I've been in PLPD on and off for 6/7 years and now I hope to stay and work my way up so hopefully I should see how this changes over time.
What’s the best thing that has happened to you in the PLPD these past 3 months?
- Ranking up and getting TFU
- 1. When i was on patrol with a TFO there was a hostage situation and there was one hostage taker. I asked for permision to shoot the hostage as there was only one and i one tapped him.
- The overall community, and public, seem to gravitate and prefer me in their problems when they have one.
- i was kissed by a lovely high ranking officer
- Wiping 8 ASDA members alone in light gear TFU in Slums with a UMP and a dream
- My promotion to SO
Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.

- I get feedback from CRPL + and supervisors but not all the time
- i often stick to myself, cause im not much of a people person, but some supervisors are lovely, some are really toxic.
- Especially in supervisor situations, yes, they always speak with me after about performance.
- I don't specifically feel the need to ask for feedback. However, when instances occur where I may have done something wrong, higher-ups tell me so and explain to me why in a detailed way.
- I think they are scared to speak up
- I've never been given feedback while on duty - either because I haven't fucked up in front of a coworker/supervisor before or because people simply don't give it. I don't think it's entirely necessary since if a problem is large enough it'll be brought up anyway.
- Unless im in an OR you dont usually hear Sups saying well done or something like after a raid i say well done boys or well done fellas
If you had a magic wand, what's the one thing you would change about PLPD?
- How the PLPD website displays on phones
- give me tfu
- change command strcuture
- have mentors or section style for officers wanting to rank up
- honestly, just overhaul the feedback systems. No OR's in over 15hrs service in game, one positive feedback from a TFU total. on failure of a test I had no feedback to why at all,, after I took the last test's feedback.
- Just because someone maybe uses there voice little louder and has a different opinion than anyone else in the room doesn't make them a bad person or less of a person
- add some new stuff into the police department, such as some clothing changes, like your medals/awards on your uniform, maybe where you can change your hats to a beanie, beret and maybe some gloves to switch through.
Is there anything else on your mind which you'd like to tell us?
- I am proud to have this great achievement on being an officer in this game
- Nothing in particular. Perhaps make the PD a bit more secure. Seems very easy for people to waltz in.
- Thanks for your exceptional work!