Discussion Post: [link here]
Main Idea:
Fire alarms required by law / pre-installed upon purchasing a property
Full description of the idea:
Fire alarms should be standard or required by law in all apartment buildings (Slums, Projex and Regals) and the Bazaar stores because of general safety concerns.
Why should it be added?:
Right now, I don't see any reason why someone would install a fire alarm, because they can just as well call 911.
This means that all the work that went into coding this addition is basically wasted.
To give fire alarms actual use we could do one of two things: Make them mandatory by law so people have to install one or they can be fined by the PLPD zerg, or they can be installed by default when you purchase a property that is close to other properties. (Bazaar 1 is close to other shops, but Suburbs 1 is a good distance away of Suburbs 2...)
Installing fire alarms is actually required by Belgian law.
I personally prefer the pre-installed option.
Main Idea:
Fire alarms required by law / pre-installed upon purchasing a property
Full description of the idea:
Fire alarms should be standard or required by law in all apartment buildings (Slums, Projex and Regals) and the Bazaar stores because of general safety concerns.
Why should it be added?:
Right now, I don't see any reason why someone would install a fire alarm, because they can just as well call 911.
This means that all the work that went into coding this addition is basically wasted.
To give fire alarms actual use we could do one of two things: Make them mandatory by law so people have to install one or they can be fined by the PLPD zerg, or they can be installed by default when you purchase a property that is close to other properties. (Bazaar 1 is close to other shops, but Suburbs 1 is a good distance away of Suburbs 2...)
Installing fire alarms is actually required by Belgian law.
I personally prefer the pre-installed option.
- Fire alarms will be used more
- Another thing PLPD can fine for
- Fire departement gets alerted sooner when some idiothead starts crafting with a stove right next to my shop where I sell 150k worth of stuff
- More realism
- PLPD could raid in order to ticket you when you don't have one installed