Fishing Adventures with DannyD!

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The Background______________

So myself and @HolyShititsDannyD were roaming around the streets of Paralake wondering what we could do. When Danny came up with the idea of fishing. So sure enough we headed down to the beach to start our adventure along with a portable, gas, camping stove we made a little profit... Until "A giant fish swam away with your fishing rod". At this point in time we were still determined to carry on and so we decided to go down to Hicktown because we figured there were no big fish. We took our portable camping stoves once again and started out with Dannys BMW for transport.
The Problem_________________

However after our first trip to sell our fish to the local shop we realised that this was an ineffective method of transport. And so we invested in a brand new company van to transport our fish in along with two storage chests inside for extra profit.

The Upgrade_________________

So to start with we had a system of both of us fishing and then we cook our produce afterwards however it quickly became apparent that this was not a good method. And so Danny was put in-charge of the fishing and myself, I was put in charge of the cooking.
How Many?__________________

It took us hours and hours and hours to get anywhere close to what we achieved. We managed to fill both storage boxes full of fish and the trunk half full. We would have filled the trunk up completely but both our fishing rods broke and the camping stoves were running low on gas so we had to stop.
The Vendor__________________

We had now got all the fish we could get, or rather all the fish before we ended our own lives, and so we headed off to sell to our trusty vendor. Fredy's Bakery.
The Profit____________________

Overall we made $8,137 profit. Considering that the fishing part of this was almost completely free we thought that this was pretty good. We sold all our fish to the same store (apparently they wanted a lot of fish). After counting our profit we then split the money.

After speaking to Danny after our adventure we came to the conclusion that this is not an effective way to make money... at all.

Thank you for reading about our adventure!
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Passive RP?!! Are you sure you were playing on perpheads :kappa:

Looks like you guys had fun, however Danny has some explaining to do as to why he is with other boys :^)
Last time I went fishing in perp I fell in the water and drowned, successful.
pff try harder,
It is not profitable at all due to the rod getting stolen by a big fish sometimes.

I got like 800 fish total in storage lol, if i cook and sell all I will end up with like 45k-ish worth of fish