Fix the fireextinguisher

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ur nan's dungeon
Topic: Fixing the fireextinguisher

Short explanation:
- It's useless.
- The fire just becomes uncontrolable before you can do anything.

Detailed description:
I would like to have the fireextinguisher buffed or rather said; FIXED, as it is complete and utterly useless. Here's a video from today to show that I am right.

Optional additions:
- Buff it so you actually have a chance of putting out the fire.
- Nerf the fire so it doesn't spread so quickly.

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I was with you there.

So I did notice how the fires just kept on spreading, after that we went in and got them out with 2 extinguishers.

So yes, they must be made better.
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Yeah, I have tried putting out bodies that are on fire and I will be there for days waiting for it to go out. (Slight Exaggeration but still). +Support they need a slight buff.
you where just too far man, it worked fine for me yesterday
0:29 This was the moment you were nearest to the flames

And here's a reproduction I made:

Okay, so screw 14 other people's opinions? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
There shouldn't be any specific and 100% way to do it. You should be able to put out the fire from different positions and thereby make it easier to put it out, cause let's be realistic. You will not be able to use your fancy pictures irl, would you?
And also; as you can clearly see in the video, my spray coming from the fireextinguisher is spraying directly at the fire, which should make an impact on the fire.
Man, you can think whatever you want (rhaters) included). With those screenshots I made I just wanted to help you understand how fire extingushers works: since many people will never use one of them in their whole life (I haven't ever used it neighter IRL), it's easy that many doesn't even know that the pressure they have will only spray the content for 1 or 2 meters.
There shouldn't be any specific and 100% way to do it.
I would like to take this sentence in particular to tell you that you should think again about it: there's a specific and 100% way to do it and I suggest to watch a guide on how to use a fire extinguisher on youtube if you don't believe me. I'll link it below:
As he says at 1:17 you should spray it from 6-8 feet away (2 meters)
Right then.

If you went over to glass co, and a fire started; you'd more than easily put it out within a few seconds. However the material of the floor at business shops and bazaar shops seems to spread the fire easier and quicker. I do feel the fire extinguisher is somewhat 'annoying' to use at some points however it really depends most of the time, if a bit of tweaking can fix it in different locations then go for it.

I feel that they shouldn't be 'too op' though - Due to the fact that It'd make it absolutley pointless for the fireman job and for a fireman to actually come and put it out with their truck. The reason that firemen get so much money for doing big fires is because it's such an under-rated job. In reality, you should be running out of your store using the fire exit (back exit) and calling the fire crew. But obviously this is PERP, we want things to be done quickly and without any stress; plus there is probably no firemen on duty anyway.

I'd like to see the fire extinguisher being a little more efficent and the surfaces of the fire to not spread as much, but I'm pretty sure that's due to the material of the bazaar shop floor (not completley sure though).

You have my support, to some extent.

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