For Honor

Reaction score
No honor, best honor!

Anyway, I was looking around and noticed a severe lack of For Honor in the Games section. I play it pretty frequently, mostly with @TheFrozenMonkeyKing, @KeiwaM, and once with @Xquality.

I personally think it's a pretty good game, despite the current issues (getting disconnected, unable to join matches, etc).
I currently play Lawbringer at Reputation 1 level 6, and Warlord at Reputation 1 level 16 or so. And for those that are wondering, I play on PC. Therefore, if you wish to play together, feel free to post your Uplay username in a reply, or add me at my edgy username: DaDevilKiller

Also feel free to post videos/pictures of your experience while playing. I got this picture from after I managed to clutch 2 rounds in a row and win us the game, even with 3 bots on my team against 3 real players and 1 bot. @TheFrozenMonkeyKing can attest to the fact that I almost died afterwards from laughing.


P.S: Entire enemy team ragequit after our victory.
No honor, best honor!

Peacekeepers dont deserve no honor! Have you seen their zone attach during revenge mode? Its the fastest zone attack in the game and they can spam it. Its ridiculous.

And no I'm not salty. I Havent died to a peacekeeper for a while but bugger me, they're still annoying.

Frozen actually recorded me literally dying after we won.