[forums] politicsboks

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Description of the idea: special shoutbox for politics

Why should this be added? (pros):
- normalfags in the normal shoutbox wont get angry about our political debates
- no longer glitchy 60 comment debates under forum threads which are confusing

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- someone will inevitibly setup an iron dome against palestanians in the politiboks

*Other additions:

[useful images]
This would be fried cancer. We shouldn’t really even be having political discussions on the forums because @Fredy some users end up getting heated over them.

In virtually every other community I’ve been a part of political discussion was banned for good reason.
so far most of these discussions have been going on just fine on the forums. most communies ban them because you've got edgy darkRP lords going full 1944RP.
as a CEO of this idea, i ask staff before they close this thread without warning think of the children, the innocent children who have to suffer in the shoutbox listening to us debate complex things. take @Wiki for example, the kid has to beg his nan for a £3 game, if he was present for the Isreal-Palastine debate I don't know if he'd be able to talk to us right now. You gave anime a chance so the bar is pretty low on what topics you accept for shoutbox rooms.
I like the idea simply to stop spam in normal shoutbox, but there needs to be a few more refined rules. Ones such as disrespectful or causing problems are too vague when debating topics like religion or politics etc where each side views the others as wrong
More refined. For example if someone says "Islam is a violent religion" someone could class that as causing problems if they disagree with it. Even though the person saying it may have valid points and evidence
just go on Facebook if you wanna talk about politics and not a fucking RP servers forums.
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