Free VIP for new players

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Description of the idea: Giving new players who have stayed in the community, with a playtime of 1-2 days, 1 (maybe 2) weeks of free VIP.

Why should this be added? (pros): Helps newer players have an experience that may help keep them here.
Allows them to get enough money to get VIP Again if someone sells it (More profit for the server/more updates)

What negatives could this have? (cons): Could be abused if someone makes a new account, but they'd be banned anyways for exploiting.

This idea came to me after @Kenty gave a sweater free VIP. Also myself and @Niko giving a new sweater 50k each to get VIP Afterwards. This is what brings the community together.
I agree this is a good idea, players struggle to barely hit the 75-90k mark for V.I.P

If new players get 1 week of V.I.P for staying a couple of days i think it would increase the amount of V.I.P purchases in game.
I see no reason why it shouldn't be implemented its a win/win for everyone, @Fredy makes money and players are able to make their money for V.I.P after the week of free vip ends.

It will increase the profits for the server which will then benefit in the long run.
Exactly what I thought as well. Even if 1 week, there's a chance they will get enough, or near to enough for it.
We want to keep them here, making them do objectives might be over kill, they already have to get 1-2 days of playtime which accounts for about 2+ weeks depending on how much they play.
If so, what objectives would you have in mind?
As stated in previous posts, there is already a plan to give new players a few days of Premium.

@Jimmy Jackson make sure you read the posting rules for suggestions, we want two voting options, not 377.
Make sure that you attach a poll to your idea and provide two options
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