Freezing while in a car

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Under Lewis088's bed
Description of the idea: If you get frozen whilst driving your car and you die or wreck it, you should be compensated with a wreck repair. AS LONG AS YOU PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF FREEZE

Why should this be added? (pros): All i hear from admins is "its not server side" but it happens to a lot of people, so yes it is server side. Also, it isnt in RP that we freeze and crash so why is this our faults? You have the power to fix it with no con yet you still dont

What negatives could this have? (cons): Literally fucking nothing

*Other additions: @Synatec Decided it was my fault for speeding on the highway then freezing so i rammed into a wall. When obviously i would of slowed down going into bazzar and not 130 into a fucking wall. This is complete bull shit and not any of the players fault so i dont get why we are being told this.

*Images: N/A
Isn't it your PC its problem if your freezing in game? I never freeze, but I remembered when I played on my laptop I used to freeze a lot and die due to crash into the wall. So with all due respect, shouldn't it be your fault by knowing the risks?
This would be kinda nice. The amount of times that I've died driving or ran over people because of my lag spikes is countless. You could be driving 40km/h, you get a lag spike and the game still thinks you're accelerating, the game responds and suddenly you're driving 110km/h and you crash into a fucking wall and die.
Then again, there'd be too many refund requests for staff to handle.
i get this but i mean as just do an f6 and they come along and revive you then fix your car, they have done it to me before but some reason they stopped now
just instantly on freeze get on control panel and speedrun end task
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