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In a Tree
Your Steam/In-game Name: Jonah / Jonah Eru
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Scotlands Finest Sean B @Ezza
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:165899023
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player stored items while his life was in danger.
We bobby pinned the front door of the shop and attempted to mug this person, however he immediately ran towards the storage chest and stored some of his items.

While we were in there the user claimed his life wasn't in danger, because ''I wasn't under gunpoint'', because of that the user thought it was fine to store his items, however his life was still in danger because 2 visibly armed people broke the front door open and proceeded to enter the property.

After this the user in OOC claimed he was already at the storage chest as soon as the door opened. Basically changing his story. Unfortunately this is not the case as we can see in the demo.

Oh ye he also called me a ''fuckin fruitcake'' >:c

Evidence (Demo Required):
Show the Full OOC logs, will show that you also were disrespectful in my opinion,
And from my POV you weren't causing any sign of danger to me until you said get out of the chest which i did, and i complied the whole way through the scenario you then shot me when i was 100% compliant for no reason at all.
and i didnt see you until you shouted get out the chest so i didnt know you were visibly armed.
Also i didnt know a cake was offensive tbh. You were being really toxic about the situation in OOC hence why i called you it.
I never said that, i found it funny and not offensive at all. I just included it.
And from my POV you weren't causing any sign of danger to me until you said get out of the chest which i did, and i complied the whole way through the scenario you then shot me when i was 100% compliant for no reason at all.
and I didn't see you until you shouted get out the chest so I didn't know you were visibly armed.
Bud lying aint worth it, you can clearly see from the vid you looked at him after he bobbied into the shop and just ran to the storage chest. (
that you also were disrespectful in my opinion
That was me not jonah he is the most friendly member in the community as you can see from the rewards. you tried lying like there was no tomorrow you said u didnt see a gun when clearly Jonah had it in passive when he walked in.
I called you blind and probs a retard (can't really remember what I said) soz for offending you if you found that offensive or whatever.
ou then shot me when I was 100% compliant for no reason at all.
That was me we clearly saw that you stored your shit you even admitted to it. You refused to take the items out that you stored and tbh It was early morning for me and I couldn't be bothered to deal with someone who was lying about how he stored items. You knew jonah's intentions were to mug you end of and you still stored it.
Let me go over your multiple replies real quick, @Ezza
1. In my opinion I did not act disrespectful at all in OOC, I even asked you ''In all honesty do you think you've broken the rules'', however you did not see that since you dc'd. I even stated in OOC something along the lines of this: ''I CBA Arguing in OOC'' something like that.
If you feel like I was disrespectful in OOC ask staff for the full logs so they can judge if I was or not.
2. If you see someone with a gun in passive that you don't know enter your property that you do not know, then that means your character is in danger, especially when the lock has been picked.
3. You did see I was visually armed proof
4. I don't believe I need to show the whole demo, because I am reporting you for storing items in your storage chest which you can see in the video. If staff needs the full demo I will happily provide it.
5. Don't worry I just mentioned fruitcake because I've never heard that ''insult''. I mostly found it funny, hence the reasoning for the title of this AR.
10-4 but really what do you want out of this? i cba getting a ban for something petty, i didnt feel like i was in danger at all, i often leave my doors unlocked and i had some bouncin tunes playing on spotify, so can we maybe resolve this just us 2?
You could have mugged the money i had on me and took my phone but instead shot me breaking:

2.5 Excessive Negativity
Players may not excessively impact the experience of others in a negative manner, unless the actions are a proportionate escalation of negative actions that have been performed against the original player.

For example, it is not acceptable to:
  • Intentionally mug and targeting new players.
  • Destroy valuable items due to basic distaste such as product prices.
  • Killing a player over verbal insults, minor or accidental actions.
  • Killing a player after mugging them because they’ve seen your identity.
  • Intentionally steal a car to wreck it without any valid reason.
10-4 but really what do you want out of this? i cba getting a ban for something petty, i didnt feel like i was in danger at all, i often leave my doors unlocked and i had some bouncin tunes playing on spotify, so can we maybe resolve this just us 2?
Considering the fact that you still don't believe you broke the rules A ban is what I want mate.
And my reason for shooting you is becuase jonah is too nice and gave u a chance to stop storing all your shit. Im not Jonah and I don't like giving chances. you are quite lucky I didn't just walk in a shoot you on the spot. I also gave you the chance to take the items out and you refused. As a staff member will probs tell you if we were able to make a report. You should have removed what you stored and then made an AR not refuse and then complain you got shot.
You could have mugged the money i had on me and took my phone but instead shot me breaking
And with this mate kinda just seems now that you realize you broke the rules and are gunna get a sort of punishment you want me to get punished too. But before posting this AR I already knew that there was a risk of me being warned/banned. Had a staff member been on you wouldn't have been shot as I would have reported but it was like 3 AM so not surprised none were on. I feel what I did was valid cuz you stored shit in danger and refused to remove it when we gave you a chance. Make an AR if you want to complain and dont make a slight dig at me in an AR on you.
I never shot you Dylan (aka luxin did),
I don't really want you banned I even mentioned this to him. I felt like you kind of misunderstood the situation which happens, but the reason I still made the AR is because you started lying about what happened in OOC (changing your stories up). First saying you weren't in danger because we didn't gunpoint you, and then all of a sudden you were at the chest. If you just didn't lie it would've been all fine that's all.
I don't want a ban out of this at all a warning at max should be sufficient In my opinion. It's christmas and no-one needs a ban right now for this. Unfortunately Luxin does want you banned so we'll wait for staff to say what they will do.

If you feel like it was 2.5 that is your opinion but keep in mind, you even failed to do my /desc which I did in the chat delaying this situation in theory. stored items while in danger, and I even told you to whisper which you also failed to do so.

Once again the thing that just annoyed me the most is that you started lying in OOC and changing up your story as soon as you knew you were in the wrong. (Atleasts that's how it seems like)

@Ezza will be given a warning for breaking 3.18
3.18 Storages and trunks
While their life is in immediate danger a player must not use their storage boxes/trunks to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person. This includes detaching weapon attachments with the intention of avoiding their loss.

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