Gang Beasts - Code Giveaway

Name: WildFire
Why you want the game: So i can kill things in a buggy way
Do you like Germany: Not sure, i don't really think about it.
Name: Esteban

Why you want the game: Because who doesn't want a free game?

Do you like Germany: Germany is nice, yes.
In case I'm not too late :p

Name: Bamarin [IT]
Why you want the game: Some of my friends already have it, I tried it and it's amazing
Do you like Germany: Home of the beer, gotta love it!
Name: thehomelessdude
Why you want the game: Because I want to play it with my brother.
Do you like Germany: I have never been there but people say that it's good so I will say Yes
I forgot about this lol, I'll give the code out tonight after work.

@ben snipz
[DOUBLEPOST=1466535128][/DOUBLEPOST]Turns out I actually have three codes,

