joR Messages 2,682 Reaction score 7,405 Points 935 Feb 6, 2015 #1 As usual, ShamWow made some great escapes today with his young Padawans, I thought I'd take the time and effort into documenting them today.
As usual, ShamWow made some great escapes today with his young Padawans, I thought I'd take the time and effort into documenting them today.
woodz Messages 100 Reaction score 76 Points 355 Feb 6, 2015 #2 Aw, the video wont work in Sweden.. rip
Torvald Messages 216 Reaction score 331 Points 340 Location its like i live in the toilet the way i be shittin Feb 6, 2015 #4 Hung Chow's RP always makes me laugh. I once bough a MAC - 11 from Hung Chow's bits and bobs store for 35$
Hung Chow's RP always makes me laugh. I once bough a MAC - 11 from Hung Chow's bits and bobs store for 35$
Standish Messages 510 Reaction score 1,971 Points 630 Location Hung Chow residence. Feb 7, 2015 #5 2:03 onwards is class.
Zayne Messages 985 Reaction score 1,930 Points 610 Feb 7, 2015 #7 This post/video made me giggle. Member of PERPHeads.
Puma Messages 2,413 Reaction score 4,959 Points 815 Location Nigeria Feb 7, 2015 #9 You just gotta love Hung Chow.