Gatka Applications


Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Rifle Marksmanship:-
Firearms level:-
Estimate your net worth:-
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :-
How much money do you have? ($$$) :-
What cars do you own? :-
Why do you want to join? :-
Name: Kai Biggins
Rifle Marksmanship:- 55
Firearms level:- 65
Estimate your net worth:- 800k
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- 8
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- 350k
What cars do you own? :- Ford Focus RS, Double Upgraded, Sports Kit. Transit Van for the kids
Why do you want to join? :- Looking for a nice friendly org with people I can trust. I have recently become a much more active player with around 80 hours within the past 2 weeks, I am a friendly guy who can pretty much get on with most people. I will always help someone if they need it and am willing to go the extra mile just to make others feel comfortable.
Name: ur mum
Rifle Marksmanship:- 24
Firearms level:- 13
Estimate your net worth:- 3k
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- 10
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- bare
What cars do you own? :- bare
Why do you want to join? :- Gatka init
Name: @Itzryzo but with an elle instead of an el
Rifle Marksmanship: the price of my gamer girl bath water
Firearms level: 125
Estimate your net worth: whatever my plpd paycheck is
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) : 1
How much money do you have? ($$$) : $100k
What cars do you own? : jeep
Why do you want to join? : @JER wont let me join his org
  • Informative
Reactions: JER
You think you're the top dog, huh? You think you're the big dog? You think you're the top dog? You think you've got the best dogs? You think you can pierce my veil? Do you think you can just walk up here, walking down the street, proclaiming yourself the top dog? Do you think you're the top dog? Do you think your bark is the loudest? Let me show you my big dogs, let me show you what I've got in my wallet. Let me show you something special, I want you to know how special you are to me. I want you to know that you're not the big dog, but I'm the big dog. The big dominant dog, the top dog, the leader of the pack, the wolfpack, alpha. I want to show you my big dogs. Right here, this big dog, this is my silver chihuahua, one of the uncommon big dogs. You think you've got what it takes to defeat my silver chihuahua? Well let me throw this at you... A platinum retriever, that's right, it's higher than a golden retriever. This dog, this dog right here, is more powerful than you could possibly imagine. It's got 14,000 attack points, it's the biggest dog around. You think you're the top dog now, huh? You think you're the best dog? Well I'll show you. My Greyhound bus. It's a bus that's named after a dog. It's got 15,000 attack points. Now do you think you're the top dog? You think you're the big dog around here? Do you think you can just walk around my street and piss on any fire hydrant you want? You think you're the kind of dog that can come into my house and can just piss all over the carpet? Piss all over the rug? Piss all over the motherfucking blinds? Do you think that I'm okay with you doing that? Do you think that I'm alright? Do you think I'm an alright person? Do you think that, deep down inside, that I'm an okay person? Maybe I'm just a bad person. Maybe I'm a bad dog. Maybe I want you to treat me like I've been a disobedient puppy; but let me show you something else, let me show you something that I've never shown anyone before. It's my Frog dog. It's the best dog ever. It's got 16,000 attack points. It's more powerful than both of my earlier shit-tier dogs. This is an A-Class dog right here. What? You're pulling something out? Oh my god, is that... Is that an S-Class dog? Is that a... Is that a fucking... Oh my god, that's a Malamute. I've only heard of those things in my dreams. I've never thought I'd see one in real-life, IRL. I've never thought that I wouldn't be the top dog. I thought I was the biggest, baddest one; but I guess my bark was much worse than my bite. I guess your bite was just more- more- more powerful. You've got the jaws of life right there. It's like you could rip open car doors after- after they've been in an accident. I think you are the top dog. You know what, I'm proclaiming you the top dog. I'm giving you the top dog medal, I'm pulling it out of my chest right now. That's right, you are the top dog. You've won. You've won the prize. Do you still think I'm an okay person now that I've let you win? I'm going to go back to the store now. I'm going to walk into my local Walmart, I'm going to look into my Wal- Local into my... Walkle. Oh god, you've got me flustered. But I'm going to go into my local shop, I'm going to buy a new pack of dogs. And you know what? I'm going to come back and I'll defeat you. I'll become more powerful than you could ever imagine. I'll become the biggest dog, the top-tier dog, the spiciest dog you've ever seen... And when I do that, maybe I'll have gained your respect, maybe I'll have gained your trust back. Maybe, just maybe, you and I can start a wonderful life together... Or maybe my dreams are just that, they're dreams. Maybe I'll never be able to have anything nice, anything at all. I just wanted to be the top dog, and for a short moment I was. But guess what, you walked in here and you shattered- You shattered everything. You came in here and you shattered my perception of who the top dog really was, and you proved... You truly proved that you, you sir, are the toppest dog around. Nice.
Name: Zovetta Aren
Rifle Marksmanship:
Firearms level:
Estimate your net worth:
Not including the unobtainables, upwards of 10 mil?
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :
9, everyone on PERP is trash anyway
How much money do you have? ($$$) :
try to keep myself around 500K but give most away
What cars do you own? :
GTR P0LEB0Y, Raptor, Fuck tonnes of trash cars
Why do you want to join? :
You're the phattest memer there is and your totally legal activities are fun
Name: Max Arnolds
Rifle Marksmanship:- 93
Firearms level:- 96
Estimate your net worth:- 500k
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- I'd say an honest 5 but I can do a good impression of Craig David if that counts for something
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- 90k and a paperclip and a rubber ball
What cars do you own? :- Honda crx
Why do you want to join? :- I have a wide selection of bouncy balls ranging in colours.
Name: @Itzryzo but with an elle instead of an el

Rifle Marksmanship: 0

Firearms level:

Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) : 2

How much money do you have? ($$$) :


What cars do you own? :
Why do you want to join? : all my friends are banned
Name: Kay Fundss
Rifle Marksmanship:- Don’t Remember Firearms level:- Don’t Remember
Estimate your net worth:- $1
Rate your own shooting Skill (1-10) :- 9
How much money do you have? ($$$) :- Don’t Remember
What cars do you own? :- Don’t Remember
Why do you want to join? :- Don’t Remember

Think I’m a good candidate ngl
  • Funny
Reactions: A1L