Server Suggestion Genetics affecting heavy guns

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Suggestion Title: Genetics affecting heavy guns
Suggestion Description: Currently, no one likes using the AS-50 or M82 because they are terrible for pvp. The render distance rarely ever allows for long range engagements and the firepower is cool but most of the time the fights are short-mid range. That's obviously not considering the huge investment required to purchase or manufacture it.

I believe heavy guns, like AS-50, should be back to normal ONLY if the player wielding it has certain genetics like Dexterity and Strength as naturally having a character capable of comfortably wielding 450kg at strength 5 should relieve you of a speed debuff when carrying a mere 14 KG weapon in comparison.

Furthermore, using AWP or alternative choices is not viable as it takes about 3-4 shots to even disable normal cop cars which is basically your whole magazine than more to kill eject. This means snipers are dead without the AS-50 or M82 being viable against police except for G3A3.

I will leave the buffing, numbers and debuffing issues up to community and staff as there is no right answer I can make to satisfy everyone at the moment. This is up in the air for what people conclude is fair after proper discussion.

TL: DR AS-50 buff!

Why should this be added?:
- Fixing / Reviving a dead gun that people rarely use anymore due to the nerf
- Works with making movement realistic but also enjoyable instead of miserable when investing in the most expensive weaponry
- Provides consistency in game logic because why can your character carry 450kg but gets slowed by 15kg gun?
- People get more adrenaline rushes from hearing the as50 pop off again.

What negatives could this have?:
- Cops having to tactically work around people holding angles with a 1 tap machine (already possible without debuff using G3A3 which is arguably better)

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Fixing lack of consistency in game logic, bringing back high class guns from the dead and provides each individual character another special trait based on smart genetic point investment.

This is not only realistic but also based and awesomesauce.

The stamina nerf is fair enough although it'd be cool if it worked off dexterity too

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