K12 - 5+ NEEDED animations and job test addition (ideas 38-43/155)

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Rzeszów, Poland
Topic: Hands/fists still animation without fighting pose, panic button animation instead of /me, keys sWEP normally hidden, 3 second handcuffing, getting something from behind your back, getting something from under your suit.

Special thanks to ThomasGeorge who passively encouraged me to write this suggestion by creating a thread "Micheal Miller's cleaning service" with a video showing how fists animation spoils roleplay.

Short explanation (in notes):
With fists out, until player left clicks once, he doesn't wiggle around like he wanted to punch someone in the face and player's legs are positioned normally. Additionally fingers could be unfolded so it doesn't look like fighting pose.
2. With keys out, keys do not show up until you are looking at a car/door you have the keys to, standing just just besides it (explained below) OR (optional) until you lock/unlock a car/door you own.
3. Handcuffing should take 3 seconds and the handcuffed player can get out of range by walking. To handcuff, hold LMB with handcuffs out so you can stop for example after 1 second if the suspect refuses.
4. When taking a pistol/SMG out (From M9/silenced to Deagle&OTs-33 to Mac-11 and MP5) a noticeable animation is played (person reaches to their stomach) (no equipping bar is shown except for MP5). Police and S.W.A.T. need a different and quicker animation (because of external pistol holsters which are just under their hands). Sprinting should be possible while doing that.
-When taking MP5 out, equipping bar is shown and it takes 1 second (not necessary but makes it more realistic).
5. When taking any weapon out bigger than a pistol/SMG, a much more noticeable equipping animation is played (person reaches to their back) and equipping bar appears for 2+ seconds. Works for everyone INCLUDING S.W.A.T. No sprinting, only walking fast while equipping.
6. When a government employee presses the panic button, a little noticeable animation is played to prevent metagaming (EXPLAINED BELOW).

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Here we go.
1. Does it need an explanation? The fighting animation just spoils all roleplay and actions involving picking up items and police dragging criminals.
2. First reason: new players walk with fists out because they think there's no point in showing other players keys they are holding (after all, when you aren't carrying anything, you have your fists, not keys so it's logical) and more experienced players tell them to put their fists down without explaining that keys aren't visible for other players.
Second reason: why would you want to carry around a key blocking your screen all the time? Imagine having to carry a key around in front of your face in real life.
3. Realistic actions and "failcuffing". That is exactly what this suggestion fixes. Realistic actions - when an officer is trying to handcuff you without having a gun out, you can always try to avoid it. And it also prevents officers cuffing you while running/walking.
Important fact: you can /roll after you get handcuffed and this idea is Not necessary but I can see it being useful.
4. Realistic idea, doesn't change anything besides adding the animation, positively affects everything, prevents pistol appearing in person's hand without anybody noticing that person reaching for the weapon, no bad points, no abuse, not excessively hard, it's needed and can be improved.
5. Realistic idea, doesn't change anything besides adding the animation, positively affects everything, prevents assault rifles appearing in person's hand without anybody noticing that person taking it off their back, no bad points, no abuse, not excessively hard, it's needed and can be improved.
6. Metagaming, oh sweet metagaming. I can already imagine people metaseeing a police officer pressing his panic button and the automatic /me showing after the update. In situations in which they wouldn't see it, of course. Like an officer staying in cover, in his cruiser, behind a wall, in another room, above or below someone and when a criminal isn't looking at the officer and the officer IS sure about it.
Now hear me out, I have thought it over - what about a failcop pressing his panic button when his radio was taken? Well, we've lived with it for years and less people failRP after the police test was added. BUT WAIT:
How about adding a question testing intelligence on the police exam:

"Someone is pointing a gun at you and he can see your hands. You have a radio with a GPS-connected panic button on your belt. What do you do?
A) Press the panic button because if you do it, S.W.A.T. members and other government employes will find out your location and that you're in danger.
B) Press the panic button in such way that he maybe won't see it - for example when giving him your radio when he asks for it or when he looks to the side.
C) Do not press it not to risk your life and press it only when you are sure you are able to do it without him noticing it - behind cover or without him seeing it even if you risk not pressing it at all and him taking your radio and kidnapping you.
(bold words are important above^^^)

You can add it to all gov jobs with panic button. Another important thing to mention: what if someone with his radio taken presses the panic button (or presses it on gunpoint)? Is it such a bad thing? Does it happen once every 30 minutes? No! After 1-2 years of being able to do it - I'm 100% sure that not letting people metagame/metasee you pressing the panic button outweighs the drawbacks. Besides that, it happens less often because more players are experienced and many FailRPers were banned. And in the future there is going to be implemented a system allowing you to tie hands, legs and take radio (and weapon (virtually)).

If someone still presses it on gunpoint, well, some people are stupid OR make mistakes. In that situation he will get shot and an admin will be called, but it's not such a bad thing. It will make him learn how to do it next time.

That animation can't bee too noticeable to make it realistic. But I'm not the one to decide how it would look, anyway.

Important optional additions/fixes:
-Fix reloading animation of assault rifles which are reloaded like shotguns (AK-47 for example);
-When an assault rifle/shotgun/everything big (maybe except MP5) is held after being equipped, it must be held like S.W.A.T. holds their weapons, not like a pistol pointing downwards. Seriously, who holds AK-47 weighing up to 4,3kg in one hand pointing it downwards?
-OPTIONAL: handcuffing animation for officers

Thanks for reading and don't forget to +support the ideas you like.
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Reaction score
Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland
I really like this idea with the fists i ofc I knew that keys will show up like you have nothing in your hands but thats just because I'm awesome.

+support on this one babe
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Garrett Woodfield

+Support Would love to have those animations! Less failrp + More realistic.
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xQuality's Basement
Some of the animations you mentioned are already finished and just need to be implemented.

Such as the Panic button anim, When you get your pistol out you do an animation and so on.
Xquality also made a stream a few days ago where you could see it.
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England, Norfolk
Yes I think a few of these animations are ready for the update I saw them during a stream by xquality drawing weapons so you actually know if a cop has pulled a weapon on you.

The only animation I want is for holding a pistol compare this to someone standing still and you see the big problem, as in passive stance.
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As far as the Government Exam question you requested is involved I'm pretty sure this question covers the point you're trying to get over:

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Rzeszów, Poland
I'm not sure which of those animations are finished, but consider the details in my ideas:
- equipping big weapons should takes 2-3 seconds with equipping bar and about 1 second for MP5 (different animations, assuming that it's hidden under your clothes on the front)
- different equipping animations for S.W.A.T. and police service pistols due to external holsters (not originally in my post), instant drawing
- different animations for drawing pistols/Mac-11, instant drawing
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Great Britain
Here is my opinion of your suggestions.

1: +Support
Good idea, I'm tired of seeing a cop dragging a guy around to the car with fists out, and the sweater vest newbies running around in a combative stance all the time, I think that you should be, by default in a passive stance with fists out, as fists are used to pick up items, and drag players and a few other, non-aggressive things, I think the fists should have a similar system to firearms, passive stance by default, click to get aggressive, then either e + click or fast switch to get back to passive mode.

2: +Support
Yes, Yes, and Yes, why the hell don't we have this already. It is just an aesthetic thing obviously, however no-one likes to run about with a large trademark PH key blocking 10% of their screen space.

3: -Support
No. Just no. It will most likely be abused.

4: -Support
Cool idea but, will not transfer well.

5: -Support
No, again, besides when you bring a firearm up, you got to click to raise the gun, which, is a little test of reaction time. we don't need a pre-defined time, and, there is a little animation for this anyhow. It will make the gameplay clunky, and it isn't exactly streamlined as is.

6: +Support
It may work, but would have to be implemented well.
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I think adding an animation when someone is taking a gun out is a great idea. I also think it should have a delay time when pulling out a weapon or switching unless your a cop since cops have faster excess and are train to draw weapons quickly.
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