George's intro (late)

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Hey there!

Many of you might not believe this, but I have joined Perp 3 months ago and may I say this is the best community I have ever seen. To be honest I bought my first PC during the summer, on July, and started playing Garry's Mod after buying the PC. I learned quickly and Perp is one of my first communities which is pretty impressive due to it being a Serious RP server. I have never played on Dark RP except 3 or 4 times. Anyways, if you ever want to RP with me my in-game name is: George Schurr, and My steam name is: Fasool.Joker. Hope to see you in-game :) :D

PS: My internet is back on track!!

CYA In-Game! :)

Best Regards,
George Schurr/ Fasool
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I made my intro with very minimal text. Barely introduced myself, really.

10/10 better than mine.

You are so cute, you gonna live in my pocket aswell.
I know it's a little late but welcome to the community i wish you the best and i hope you enjoy your time here at perp and if theres anything you may need contact me in-game or on the forums i am always happy to help.
Only three months ago, i thought you have been here for at least a year. I remember you very well because you helped me out and told me the rules when i first joined. So thank you very much for that. You were and still are a great help.

Thank you
Hey Fasool! I first talked to you whilst basing, and you seemed amused by my accent and continuously repeated 'Well that's a bit rude' and 'lovely' for a while after I talked to you :) But I talked to you a bit more and I have to say you really are a nice guy! Hope you stay in this community and don't be a bit rude! :p
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Whelcum tew the CUmunity fAm, We gon be best frends, gimme VIP Pls.

JK, but seriously, welcome, I believe I have seen you around a little bit, hoping to RP with you soon. :D
One of the best org member I've ever had. Excellent role-player when he was a Japanese with me. Also, a good aimer ;)
"Welcome" to the community. :D