Server Suggestion Get notification when respawning car, if car is occupied.

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Suggestion Title: Get notification when respawning car, if car is occupied.
Suggestion Description: Get a confirmation box before respawning your car, when someone is actually using your vehicle.

Why should this be added?:
- not accidentally respawning your car when your partner or someone else is using your car to get back to the PD.
- QoL

What negatives could this have?:
- none
In what cases would it be OK as an Officer to knowingly respawn a vehicle someone is using?
I think the idea of this suggestion is to stop people accidentally respawning it when they dont know someone else is using it
I should've clarified. I was thinking of outright not allowing you to respawn the car if this happens, that's why I was asking the question
I should've clarified. I was thinking of outright not allowing you to respawn the car if this happens, that's why I was asking the question

Sometimes police cars get stolen by rogue sweater cops, and preventing people from respawning their occupied cars will make this problem bigger. In my opinion notification would be a good addition to prevent accidentaly respawning occupied cars, however intentionally respawning occupied car should still be possible without staff intervention.

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