Getting mugged at DD

Too OP

  • EZ payday

  • People who mug at DD are losers

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Naaa man if you mugging at dd you jus a straight pussy ass hoe, cuz think about it. players spend hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and days and days and hours... just to lose all that time(i was one of those players) like im not gonna lie if i used to mug ppl here and there, but thats if i gotta do it. i just dont be a dick and sit there at the dd spawn and wait for people, that shit wack asf.
So you think the game is all sunshine and rainbows? You can be involved in drugs and all criminal shit with minimal risk? There's already very little risk currently on the server. It's actually the easiest thing in the world not to be mugged, you've just got to be smarter.
Imagine actually sitting in a base tediously waiting for virtual plants to grow when you can just nick 20-75k from some one who’s just gunna put that money in their bank and go straight back to their base to grow more virtual plants.
People are sat there acting like there’s a literal queue of people waiting to mug at the DD And that the whole server is camped at the DD at all times.

Drug dealer muggings rarely happen. Any mugging attempts at the DD involving a victim who isn‘t munching crayons by the fistful results in a shootout because they take important measures in their drug dealing activities and treat it like an actual risky business as opposed to treating It like you’re dropping off a box of tetley tea bags to your nan in her cottage on the Dedham vale.

Most DD spots don’t even have places for campers to hide. Some, like the suburbs alleyway would allow you to block the entrance to it off with a van. The only DD spots that could be effectively camped are the underpass toilets, under the highway in Hungriges, and maybe docks? Even then, with the underpass you can just sweep the loos with a Mac 11 or something before dealing, same with the underpass.

Someone mugging at the drug dealer is rarely expecting or accounting for someone to rock up in a group with shotguns, sub machine guns, or rifles in hand. Even a pistol would suffice in a close range shootout.

Tl;dr: Start treating drug deals seriously and roleplay as if it’s more than just speaking to an NPC and maybe you won’t get mugged.
@Ophelia as opposed to letting someone make a profit from selling drugs to the NPC which realistically, the drugs would be getting put into society ruining the lives of addicts and creating new addicts?
@Ophelia Again this is such a weird POV, how is it selfish? if you get mugged its literally due to YOU being dumb, no one else. Not being mugged is the easiest thing in the world.
@Ophelia you risk just as much, if not more from stealing it than you do growing for it so stealing it is the better option in terms of time. Plus, mugging forces an RP situation whilst growing doesn’t, and this is a roleplay game. :)
@Ophelia That's ridiculous, @GringoHead & @MachineGunO have made close to 60-70 million between them growing and now because they mug they are instantly bad at basing? Have you ever thought perhaps its more entertaining and active instead of setting a timer for 33 minutes and tabbing out to watch youtube?